Generating your very own energy source is certainly not cheap - but you probably already know this. The amount of money needed for the components, materials and labour can be quite considerable before even a Watt of energy is produced. Nevertheless, many people are attracted to the idea of having their own energy source. It means no more monthly electric bills, freedom from the greedy, evil power companies and a chance to reduce pollution and help the environment to boot.

A considerable number of households are now starting to break free from their energy providers. This trend is known as “getting off the grid” wherein, you adapt a standalone energy system or a combination of them, to generate your own energy.

Breaking free from the grid can be done straight away or gradually. If you do not have the means right now for a complete standalone energy system, it is but possible to reduce your energy consumption and maybe generate a small amount of power one step at a time.

Here are our top 3 choices for generating your own power:

1. Solar energy and solar panels - Power is generated by means of transforming sunlight into electrical energy through the use of solar panels (photovoltaic). These solar panels are usually installed on your roof and the power is stored in batteries. This kind of system can provide a relatively large amount of energy - certainly enough provide 50% of a typical homes electricty requirements - even in the UK!

A basic solar panel package costs around £1250 and they are manufactured in many countries - although not the UK as far as I'm aware. Fortunately the government in most countries is giving grants and assistance to households who wish to implement alternative energy sources.

2. Wind power - Utilizing the power of the wind is a great option for creating your own energy. Electrical energy is achieved by converting wind energy into electricity with a wind turbine. The wind turns the blades and the blades turn the dynamo. Obvously, when the wind doesn't blow the turbine doesn't create any energy. But hopefull, there is enough electricity stored in the batteries to ensure you're not left in the dark for too long.

So sizes. Well, if you just want to reduce your reliance on the big power companies and perhaps power a few appliances, a 4 foot diameter turbine will generate 400 Watts of energy. If you want to power your entire house you will need to have a wind turbine that can produce 10 Kilowatts of power. This kind of turbine will need to be mounted on a tower because they have long rotor blades. Readymade wind turbines are commercially available and they cost anywhere from £300 to tens of thousands of pounds.

3. Solar hot water heating - this system uses heat from the sun to warm domestic hot water. Micro pipes are placed over the roof. The sun heats water or another fluid in the pipes. The water flows into a cylinder and a conventional boiler is used to make the water hotter, or to provide hot water when solar energy is unavailable. Installation costs anywhere from £3,000 to £5,000. It can reduce your energy consumption by around 1/3. Even in the UK!

Of course, you can always get an independent domestic energy performance certificate in London to tell you where you can save energy in your home.

I have been generating my own power for many years now. It has not only saved me a lot of money, it has increase the value of my house. This is because my Energy Performance Certificate London is second to none.

Author's Bio: 

I have been heavily involved in the property business for over twenty years. My work ranges from gardening, electrics and diy. Gasically I can turn my hand to pretty much anything.