It's amazing. I've been writing books for years, and selling them online for nearly 15 years, and previously only in print through selling foreign licenses, or printing them myself, advertising them, and selling them either online or in classes I taught.

Now there is a better way. If you have something you want to say, you can put it in print, or sell it online and there is no difficult about doing that. If you don't know where to start, there are writing coaches that can give you a hand by discussing topics, subjects, and what you are passionate about.

Beyond that, tell a provider of services what you want to say, and they'll write it for you. There is a little company we know of that does that for English writers, And another for Spanish writers, . And they have done work for several authors around the world for several years. They have a team of writers in English, Spanish, and French that can help you tell your story. Many companies exist to help beginning authors, and the ones that help that most are the ones who 'draw out' what you want to tell your readers.

If you've already created a draft of your book, you are more than 50% there. The next step involves editing, proofreading, refining, and creating a proper layout for book printing or putting it online or on Kindle.

With these professional services type of company, the layout of your own book is relatively inexpensive, takes only a few days, and can be delivered ready to print to the printer of your choice. Don't know which printer to use? Or, only need a few copies, or just one copy of a special book for a friend - not a problem. Don't know what size to print. Here's a general rule of thumb: Workbooks for workshops, A4 or 8.5" x 11", Executive paperback of technical value 7" x 10", Highest Quality Paperback for Self-Help or Fiction 6"x9", Mass market paperback 5.5" x 8.5" or smaller. And yes, you can get just ONE copy printed.

In today's book publishing industry, if you need a private edition for your family tree and history for 10 members - not a problem. If you are going to teach a private class to 4 students and you need a 500 page manual - not a problem. If you want to sell one book at a time from your website, to a person interested in it in Timbuktu - not a problem.

And if you want your book on for sale - or Amazon Kindle books - also not a problem. The world is changing and the book printing and distribution industry as well. And if you just want one copy for the world to remember you by, just sign it and put it in your time capsule - not a problem.

From writing, to editing, proofing, translating, typesetting, printing books, distributing online, or through Amazon - the world has changed. And the author inside of your that may have been restricted by past technological restrictions has been,set free so you can share your wisdom with the rest of the world, one copy at a time.

Each person has their own book hidden inside of them. Tell your own story - without knowing how to type. This and other unique content writing articles are available with free reprint rights.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Jay Polmar, the founder of , taught classes in colleges and universities for 16 years.