Good shed blueprints are hard to find. Many shed plans simply contain an overview of the steps involved in building the shed. They contain drawings of the various sections of the shed but lack the details involved in building different components of the shed. Let us take a look at how you can select the best shed blueprints. This will help you save a lot of time and money when you actually build the shed.

Every shed blueprint must have two important pieces, step by step instructions and detailed diagrams.

Here are the overall steps which must be covered in any shed building plan.

1. Building the Shed Foundation
2. Making the Floor frame
3. Constructing the Wall frame
4. Building the Roof frame
5. Setting up the Trimming

Each one of the above steps is made up of multiple steps again. The plans should cover all these steps in detail so that it is easy to follow the instructions and arrive at the expected result without any guesswork.

The shed plans must have detailed diagrams of several key sections of the shed. It should show the elevation and layout of the shed from various angles. Following are the sections of the shed which must be described in detail in the shed blueprints.

Shed Base and Floor Joist Layout
The manner in which floor joists are fastened to the foundation is very important for maintaining the stability of the shed especially during rough weather. It is important to anchor the shed securely into the ground to prevent it from toppling during strong winds.

The shed plans must mark out the location of each floor joist with a specific measurement so that the builder will not have to guess about the floor layout when building it. The plans must show the layout of the wall studs and floor joists accurately with exact measurements of all the dimensions.

Wall Layout and Framing the Doors and Windows

The layout of wall studs must have the same level of detailed measurements like the layout of floor joists mentioned earlier. The drawings should also show the elevations of the walls and the positioning of each stud.

The wall frame drawing should show the exact location and measurements of the openings for the doors and windows. Check that there is enough space allowed for the window and door headers.

Building and fixing the door can be tricky. Make the door only after the door frame has been built completely so you can build the door to fit the size of the door frame perfectly.

Building the Roof

Making the roof trusses can be quite involved and challenging, Check that the shed blueprints have complete instructions on how to build them along with drawings. It should also show the intervals at which the trusses will be secured to the walls. It should have diagrams showing the angles and measurements for cutting the rafters.

Once you have found shed building plans which meet all these criteria, you can confidently start building your shed.

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