Free relationship advice. We all like to get something for nothing but usually to get something there is some sort of price tag attached. I have recently been watching a television programme called You Have Been Scammed where people complain about how they have been conned and robbed out of their hard earned money. But there is one thing they have all got in common. They were all trying to get something for nothing, or falling for a get rich scheme.

One lady wanted to have her dog cremated and begrudged paying the usual $400 cost of this. She then fell for an advertisement that offered to do it for a mere $140 (it would cost more than this to do it). She readily agreed and paid only to find out that they had not cremated her dog at all, they simply dumped it and supplied her with bonfire ashes. Another guy said he met a man in the street who said he wanted to sel him his winning lottery ticket for a mere $70,000 yet the ticket was worth much more. Of course the ticket turned out to be worthless.

So how it is that you can get no cost guidance on your marriage, divorce or lover? Simple. Even professionals like to share their knowledge. They have paid out to have their site set up and they have invested time in it but their main consideration is to get the word out there and by spreading the word at no charge they then end up with customers - eventually, either because people like the site or word of mouth. I recently got a new plumber because a lady I know had to get a new plumber, found one and then recommended him to me. I may never have heard of him otherwise. I know - because she has told me and she has no reason to lie - that he is efficient, fast and cheap.

Yes we do need to be sure that any help we get is efficient and very often it is good if it is fast too but if we can get it cheaply that should be a bonus. I paid a professional £1000 for some advice just a few weeks ago. There were others out there supposedly offering similar advice cheaper but I knew it would not have been cost effective to cut corners and make do with them instead.

With anything to do with a relationship you need to be sure you get the best. There is no point in being told that you ought to be getting separated if it would be better to give it another try - no matter how low cost or even if they paid you to listen to this rubbish.

With Christmas just around the corner it is a tricky time for a lot of people. Those who want to be out of their situations or who are lonely. Even more reason to only get the best guidance and not make do with inferior help.
Free relationship advice.

Author's Bio: 

Jacqueline Leach works for which was set up three years ago after the success of the face to face consultations service.
They are qualified and recommended highly based in the UK
and working Worldwide through emails, phone consultations, skype etc. Much free guidance on site.