Welcome to Brenda's Blog
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com
Special Event: Carl O. Helvie, PhD, “Holistic Health Show” on BBSRadio.com Saturday August 20, 2011 at 3 pm Eastern Time – noon Pacific Time. Dee Wallace (actress in 130 movies including the role of mother in the movie, ET) and Brenda are Dr. Helvie’s guests this week. Brenda channels the last thirty minutes of this one-hour ascension show.
Overview of this week’s Creation Energies, Brenda’s 15-minute, free, channeled program on www.BlogTalkRadio.com: Many just shifted from the THOUGHT that victimization and care taking are not appropriate, to the BELIEF that victimization and care taking are no longer appropriate.
Dear Ones,
Let us begin by acknowledging that many of you are exhausted. These past few weeks have been almost more than you could process physically, but not as much as you would like to process.
You want to know who, what, where and when regarding the ascension/New Age/new earth NOW. But your physical being must process for a few days before the next piece is introduced. So we will review what has occurred on earth to date and then we will project what will happen as soon as you are rested physically.
You have altered your DNA to allow more energy into your being. You have started to “glow” a bit. Not so much that most will notice, but enough so those who have not seen you for a while will wonder why you look so attractive – much like a pregnant woman excited about the new life growing within her. This glow will deepen and expand, as we have noted before, but not today or tomorrow because it is time for you to rest your physical being.
You have also accepted your new earth/New Age tool kit even though most of you have not yet downloaded it. So your wondrous tool kit of surprises continues to be on hold for a bit.
Finally, you are moving through your need for victimization and care taking. When we first introduced you to those topics, you pondered and meditated – but did not necessarily change your behavior. You have since accepted the need to move beyond victimization and care taking in all the forms they have taken in your life.
Perhaps what you have achieved beyond accepting the New Age/new earth as a reality does not seem like much change when you read our words. But we will tell you that you have achieved much more than we – and you before this life on earth – thought possible.
In the next few months, you will move into communities physically, emotionally or mentally that support your new being. You will wish to be around those entities - in whatever form – who have similar belief patterns and interests. As we stated earlier, you will find less need or interest in surrounding yourself with those entities who do not.
How can you separate from your family, friends or co-workers who do not meet your soon-to-be needs for compatibility? Just as you have always done in this lifetime on earth. Many of you started a college degree and found it was not correct for you so you changed life plans. Others of you moved to homes or communities that were not quite right so you found the opportunities necessary to move. Still others discovered that your mate was not correct so you divorced or left that person. This will be no different. Other than you will now know that you can draw the circumstances to you that will help you create your new community without the fear and pain that was so much a part of your Old Age life.
Those people who do not fit into your new worldview are not bad or evil people. They merely wish to remain in fear and pain longer than you do – or in a different community. Some will return to your community – some will not. There is nothing you can do or say that will shift their decision, just as we could not force you into accepting the New Age/new earth/ascension process.
In the Old Age, free will was discussed but not applied. Your governments, schools, churches, parents and communities told you who and what was a “good” person in their system of control. Because those rules were a group consensus for what was necessary to grow and maintain the institution that created the rules, the rules often changed a bit each generation.
Those of you who were previously enmeshed in the Old Age did not notice that the rules changed to meet the institution’s needs – only that they felt a bit more up-to-date. The changes were accepted as progress, rather than another set of rules you needed to follow in order to be considered a “good and worthwhile” person.
Free will has truly entered your world. It is no longer about what an institution needs, but what you need. How that need is derived has shifted dramatically from thoughts of, “How do I get mine, before everyone takes theirs?” to, “What is my heart, my inner-being directing me to do?”
Listening to your inner-being will direct you to your community. Just as the inner-beings of others will direct those who will be most comfortable in your community to you. Bullying, cajoling, begging, nagging, forcing and threatening will no longer alter the thoughts or directions of anyone who has started their internal New Age/new earth process.
You can only be you. Just as all other entities moving into the New Age internally can only be who they are.
What does such insolence, if you will, mean for your institutions? You are already seeing what will happen to institutions who continue to force you into a little box. No box is now large enough to contain you – or anyone who is listening and acting from their internal messages.
Institutions will begin to project their philosophies and those who feel the need to be part of their philosophy will find them. No longer will institutions force you into roles and activities. Instead you will drive the institutions.
“Free at Last” is such an apt phrase for what is happening to you and your world. So be it. Amen.
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An intuitive since birth, Brenda channeled the book, "A Glimpse of Your Future" in 1989. This prophetic classic describes your role in this transition. It also answers questions such as how to find your joy and inner-power; why corporate, medical, political and religious structures are changing; and what earth will like in the year 4000. "A Glimpse of Your Future" is available for purchase at Amazon.com or Barnes & Noble.com
Before retiring to Southeast,USA, Brenda held positions in corporate marketing, business management and social services. She has a Master of Science degree in sociology.
Brenda continues to share her insights via her free, weekly, channeled blog "Brenda's Blog" and radio show "Creation Energies" both at www.LifeTapestryCreations.com.
She has also been a featured guest on various radio shows including Carl Helvie, Ph.D. "The Holistic Health Show" and Hal Price's "Miracles by Design"; a Minneapolis television talk show; a columnist for "The Twin Cities Reader" and was the subject of several newspaper articles including a feature in the Minneapolis "Star Tribune" Sunday magazine.
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