Do you want to get in that "happy space" today? Just spray on a 100% botanical fragrance that contains citrus oils. It is very uplifting and people around you will feel happier also. Put a smile on someone's face today by wearing layers of happy scent.

To make your eau de toilette or eau de perfume last longer, layer your scent by using body products scented with your fragrance. Try using shower gel, body oil, body lotion, body powder, and body crème with your fragrance. You will feel more together all day.

In moments of indecision, spray on a fragrance that contains root and wood oils. Vetiver and cedar wood essential oils will help to ground and center you so you can gain clarity. This process will help you to make the best decision with the information you have.

Choose the fragrance that makes you feel special. Is rose oil the one that opens your heart and makes you feel good? Wear the fragrance that contains “true” rose oil or that essential oil today. If you feel special you will treat the people around you the same way. I use real rose oil in my 100% natural fragrances. It makes a difference. Choose a natural fragrance today.

Note: You will not get the same aromatherapy benefits using synthetic fragrances from the department store. You need 100% pure essential oils to get the benefits. Not the toxic chemicals that were created in a laboratory containing DPG, phthalates, and dyes.

Use natural fragrance as mood boosters. Spray them on as needed during the day for a lift.

For stress and anxiety relief use lavender oil. Inhale it or apply it to your skin. A bath with lavender helps to melt your tension and allows you to relax so you can sleep.

Fragrance can impact your attitude so wear a scent you love.

Do you want to experience more joy? Choose fragrances containing citrus oils such as sweet orange, tangerine, mandarin, bergamot, lemon, or grapefruit.

To promote harmony wear scents containing verbena oil. To promote willpower wear scents containing cypress oil. To promote optimism wear scents with coriander oil.

To energize you wear scents containing lemon, fir, spruce, basil, and peppermint essential oils.

When wearing fragrances containing citrus oils, do not expose your skin where you applied your fragrance or essential oils to sunlight or ultraviolet rays.

© Copyright 2010 JoAnne Bassett. All rights reserved.

JoAnne Bassett, Fragrance Therapist™ - Natural Perfumer
My website:
Perfume Blog: and

Workshop: Create Your Own Empowering Essence™ - You Are So Worth It!
Class: Aromatic Journeys And Natural Perfume Classes

Custom Bespoke Perfumes and Trunk Shows available
Fragrant Flight Perfume Parties™ are available also. Please call for more information 760.309.2571.

Author's Bio: 

JoAnne Bassett creates natural perfume from organic and sustainable essential oils. Fragrant roses, gardenias, and other flowers and botanicals grown in my garden are used in my natural fragrances.

I have been designing botanical fragrances for 20 years. Being a Fragrance Therapist™ and Natural Perfumer I also consider the healing aspects of the oils and utilize those with intention. I invite you to experience my energetic creations that are hand blended and hand bottled.

My purpose is to Uplift Humanity's Consciousness Through Natural Perfume™.

My perfumes awaken the beauty within. My motto is: In my everyday life I am in service to others, but this, I do for me!

Read more at my blog:
Perfume Blog:


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I also teach an Aromatic Journeys class and a Create Your Own Empowering Essence™ - You Are So Worth It! workshop in Encinitas, California. Please email for my next offering.