A how to visualization technique on creativity is a technique which is designed to develop a person’s creative purpose and expression through a process of visualization. It is a powerful technique, which serves as a means for more than just simply visualizing something.

Here are four visualization techniques given on the topic of creativity to give you some ideas of how you can benefit from using them. Each technique describes the basic principles of creativity which serve as the basis for any type of creative visualization.

The first technique is to develop a visualization which focuses on development of greater self- awareness and which shows you how you can use beliefs and ideas about creativity in a constructive and positive manner. By practicing self-awareness it can be used as a means for discovery of one’s creative powers. As a result what you discover about your beliefs and ideas on creativity will create a much stronger bearing on the direction of your creative talents and drives.

Creative energy is a vast dimension of consciousness that we can use to service the health and well- being of all aspects of our life. Visualization and creativity go hand in hand. They both work together in the process of manifestation. The best visualization techniques are those where the benefits happen as a result of good intentions, wise use of thoughts and feelings along with a creative spiritual energy incorporated into them.

The second technique focuses on developing the tools you will need to help you in the creation of a particular type of visualization. One is inner vision. True inner vision is mental vision in varying frequencies of extra mind awareness and perception. It is not just an inner sense of seeing. It’s also the use of tools of awareness such as the development of sensitivities like intelligence and foresight and other mental perceptions like those of intuition and soul and spiritual awareness's which all help to define a particular type of visualization and its process.

Another part of the second technique is connecting and combining your inner vision with your reasons and purpose for the visualization by further increasing a desire(s) and passion for it. It has to be an inner vision that comes with a clear intent and purpose behind it as well. It helps also to cultivate a developed sensitivity and receptivity to the higher awareness of thoughts and feelings whose corresponding images match the vision or visualization. Finally these different parts of the visualization should be directed at achievement of an aim or a goal that is important to you. This technique is for maintaining consistency in visualization and for building up and strengthening it.

The third how to visualization technique is for development of your creative powers.Innovation and inventiveness can lead a person to their genius. They are two key forces that are intimately connected with the unlocking of your power of creativity.They are the catalysts to inspirational thoughts and feelings that arise from a truly creative vision. The two are important agents that can introduce elements of newness and change into our life. They are the spark that fires the creative impulse of consciousness of an individual’s creative powers for their use in a visualizations manifestation.

The fourth technique incorporates the use of imaginative thoughts, feelings and actions in such a way that a creative visualization is fun, interesting and rewarding for you in different ways. The creative part of this technique is developing the ability to keep up a conscious awareness of these attributes as much as possible until results begin to show just how powerful the images of the mind are. The type of results we are talking about are those which appear in the form of a serendipitous event. This may coincidentally manifest as a result that at the same time shows you your visualization technique has done its job.

In the use of these four how to visualization techniques you will find your creative expression will begin to soar to new heights in your life. There are of course many other techniques for visualization and being creative. These four have been mentioned as the main ones because they form the basic principles of creativity, work well and are not difficult to apply.

Author's Bio: 

Greg Clarke is a writer who specializes in writing on topics about personal development awareness. You can check out his latest website at How to Personal Development where he provides a range of information in the form of articles ,techniques, tips and products, such as PC "Mindzoom" and the article What is Auto Suggestion which describes a form of extra awareness of mind in communication which speaks directly to the subconscious by positive suggestions.