We all try to eat a healthy and balanced diet so we can look our best. There are tons of products being advertised to women every day promising some beauty remedy of some sort that will make them beautiful, confident, etc. But sometimes, product after product might not always be the best solution for a beauty crisis. It can be as simple as adding a few foods to your diet that are high in essential nutrients for a healthy scalp, healthy nails or clear skin. And even if you aren't trying to achieve a better look, it's important to get a good amount of vitamin and nutrients in your diet. You can take supplements or find foods rich in these vitamins. It's important to get a good amount of protein, vitamins and nutrients to get a balanced amount of everything so your physical appearance doesn't suffer as a result. When your diet is not at its best, you might notice lower energy, less motivation to get active, and sometimes even moodiness. But what is not as often talked about are the foods that women should eat to achieve and maintain healthy hair and scalp.

1. Carrots
Not just for healthy eyes, carrots are loaded with Vitamin A that nourishes the scalp and the hair. Vitamin A also helps to moisturize the scalp. Carrots are also rich in beta carotene that helps to improve circulation in the scalp.

2. Prunes
If you are experiencing hair loss, overall thinning or female pattern baldness, look to prunes. They are very rich in iron to help get your tresses back on the right track.

3. Green Peas
Green peas offer a plentiful amount of zinc, iron and vitamin B that are very important for maintaining your tresses.

4. Oats
Grabbing a little oatmeal in the morning is great for the health of your precious follicles - since they contain iron, zinc and Omega 6 fatty acids, also known as polyunsaturated fatty acids. Have a bowl a couple times a week to get this healthy dosage of zinc and fatty acids for your locks.

5. Shrimp
Shrimp is great for the hair because it has zinc, iron and vitamin B12 - offering great nourishment for your hair.

6. Walnuts
The hair friendly nut - these are loaded with zinc, iron and proteins, as well as vitamin B - not to mention a lot of omega 6 fatty acids to make those tresses shine.

7. Salmon
Contains omega-3 fatty acids that are crucial in keeping the scalp healthy. Salmon is also rich in vitamin B-12 and iron.

8. Beans
Lentils and kidney beans are the food for hair growth and maintaining a healthy scalp. They contain a lot of zinc and biotin, as well as very rich in proteins.

These are just a few foods that can assist at achieving and maintaining a healthy scalp. Of course, do not run home and eat eight pounds of carrots to get shiny hair. Everything in moderation is a good rule of thumb. Just try to incorporate some of these foods into your diet.

Author's Bio: 

Beverly Hills Hair Restoration is a hair transplant clinic dedicated to hair restoration and hair loss prevention in Beverly Hills, California.