A few good life time habits begin here:

Read a good book daily (at least 10 pages/day).
Listen to good audios daily (focusing on self-development and leadership).
Keep a diary of daily experiences.
Associate with others who have the life style you desire.
Good books fill your mind with knowledge and information. Reading 10 pages daily add up to a couple of books a year. A good book refers to books relating to self-development, leadership, work ethics, etc. The more information you read the better your knowledge base will become.

Good audios are similar to the good books you should choose. Choose audios that will give you information on being a better person and leader.

Keeping a journal allows you to take notes on what you read and listen to. It is important to go over what you have written, then act upon it. After acting upon what you are learning, reflect some more. You will then be able to see what you are doing and what activities are making sense to you in your journey of improving.

There are business habits as well that millionaires incorporate into their lives:

Put 20% of earnings back into marketing.
Use time wisely and do income producing activities.
Set aside a specific time to market daily and stick with it.
Attend events the business you are promoting.
Marketing is the back bone to any business, online or off. The service or product might be desirable, but without the discipline to market wisely no one will be aware of the service or product you want to promote.

Self-discipline and organization is essential to forming business habits of those who have become millionaires. It takes discipline to keep on task with the income producing activities, especially if you are working on a business at home. Families are good at creating diversions, but if you are very organized, you will stay focused and disciplined to finish what you have set out to accomplish each day.

Organization of time will allow you to let your family know when you are available and when you are working. Everyone will be happier and the income producing activities will be more successful.

Events are valuable in developing friendships with others having the same goals you have. People learn from people as well as from the great leaders hosting the events. Go with an open mind and a willingness to learn as much as you can.

Author's Bio: 

Anita Devis is an Private Business owner and also running a little IT institution in which she give lessons on importance of IT in business. She is expert in Searchengine optimization and also social media marketing.