Fleet management is an administrative strategy which allows companies to organize and coordinate work vehicles eyeing to increase productivity, reduce costs, and moreover assure compliance with government rules and regulations. Though this is basically and commonly used for tracking of vehicles, fleet management system tracks following and recording mechanical diagnostics and driver behavior in its package.

Fleet Management strategy is included in couriers, oil and gas delivery, utilities, repair, and repair trade businesses to confirm accountable vehicle use, ensure safety and change period of time pursuit. Though usually related to delivery cars and trucks, the water travel trading like boats and ships use fleet management system too.

There are many vendors out there with many fleet management systems. Vehicles are using technology like GPS for trusted global AVL (Automatic Vehicle Location) detection. Although some of the vendors use GLONASS tech or a less expensive cellular triangulation in the villages or what we can say is remote areas.

Fleet management system permits a company’s management and dispatchers to trace all vehicles from a central location. pursuit systems are accustomed to monitoring driver behavior, correct vehicle use, work breaks, and safety.

Fleet management software system may additionally embody some device capabilities like speed limiting, engine revolution limiting and gradual speed or stopping of vehicles. Remote safety features facilitate forestall purloined vehicles and merchandise with GPS, mapping and cellular technology to quickly and accurately find varlet vehicles. Vehicle operation is commonly monitored for mechanical issues and potency, serving to the general potency of the corporate and protective profit.

What is there in the Fleet Management System?

A fleet management system is a blend of both hardware and software that includes three parts:

1. The FMS device: Hardware sensors and an interface are installed or plugged into every vehicle in the fleet
2. The vehicle software: This collects data like engine status and vehicle location from each vehicle
3. The management interface software: Software that the fleet manager uses to receive and interpret data from all the vehicles.
Though different Fleet Management Systems do different jobs and have their unique abilities to record different data, overall it is all the same.


The Fleet Management system can bless in many ways :

1. Fuel Economy is the major factor and the FMS can help you reduce the fuel budget by as much as 30%.
2. Reduced Overtime is one of the major benefits of the FMS and their trackings.
3. Fleet Mangement system also knows the engine idling details. So. the fleet managers can discuss the excessive idling with their drivers to reduce fuel wastage.
4. Over time the quickest routes can be identified by the system’s reports, for future efficiency increases.

How much does a Fleet Management System costs?

Though there is no set price for these systems as they vary from a company to company and requirements to requirements. Moreover, some FMS companies may include a one-time installation fee as a separate charge.

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This post is submitted by sambawa on the behalf of www.fleetx.io