Maintaining the mental focus of the brain is imperative as people age. A healthy brain and body will assist with memory and focusing functions. There are simple activities that can help the brain stay healthy as people age. Many activities work together to achieve healthy brain health.


Listed below is a list compiled by Orange County Home Care that shows five simple tips that can keep your mind focused as you age.
Tip One: Challenge Your Brain

Never stop learning! Gaining knowledge helps nerve cells in the brain remain healthy. Connections between brain cells work better when they are used. Learning new subjects may create new brain cells. Using the brain for new tasks is fun and simple. Read newspapers, magazines and books. Be willing to learn about things you never studied before. Enroll in courses online or in schools to learn about interesting topics. Many of these tactics have worked for Orange County Live in Care seniors, and it can work for you too!

Tip Two: Participate With Others

Become involved in social groups. Volunteer for a cause that you care about. Attend religious services and events. Find a sports activity which involves participating with others. Travel with groups that specialize in senior traveling vacations. Find a full-time or part-time job where you can meet coworkers. Devote time to a favorite hobby and find other people who also enjoy the hobby.

Tip Three: Exercise

The brain and body require adequate oxygen supplies. Being physically active each day will assist in maintaining mental focus. Weight or strength exercising is valuable for the aging mind. At Orange County Dementia Care we urge our clients to maintain mobility for it results in a better and happier you. Strength training keeps the bones and muscles strong. A stronger body means less physical pain. Avoiding physical pain creates happier mental awareness for an older person.

Tip Four: Organization

Reducing clutter and being organized can increase mental focus. The brain can become overwhelmed by too many visual cues. Giving or throwing away unused objects will make a senior citizen’s home more organized. Keeping labeled files of important documents reduces the stress of finding them. Mental stress harms and ages brain cells.

Tip Five: Proper Nutrition

Consuming a healthy diet is important for everyone. Orange County Stroke Care clients practice healthy eating by including lean meats, whole-grains, fruits and vegetables into their diets. Avoiding junk foods will assist in maintaining a correct weight. The antioxidants in richly colored vegetables and fruits protect the cells of the brain. Choosing lean meats assists in reducing forms of cholesterol that attach to blood vessels. Using vegetable oils instead of oils from animal products also maintains brain health.

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Eating healthy can be an easy task to do when you have someone to help you at home!