Moth control might start out pretty easy, as you use a fly swatter for the tiny moth parked randomly on a wall in your home. Moths aren’t very, fast but they can be a little messy to clean up. Still, the first time you pull out a silk blouse or expensive wool suit and spot giant holes in it - courtesy of your moth friends residing in your closet - the heat is on. Finding the best moth prevention method for your home will help to preserve your wardrobe and keep your home free of fluttering moths.

Finding the Right Method
Unfortunately, when moths have already made it to your food pantry, favorite clothing, drape fabrics, linens, wedding dress garment bag or expensive three-piece suits, prevention becomes a combination of retaliation and an immediate need to keep any further damage from occurring. One of the difficulties with exterminating - and even preventing - moth damage is the resistance of moths to pesticides. The chemicals that can impact a moth can actually be very harmful to humans and pets. Some of the questions a homeowner needs to ask before selecting a method of prevention include the following:

Do you plan to wear the clothes impacted by moths regularly?
Will children or animals be around the area you are trying to protect from moths?
Do you have alternative storage areas that can be utilized?
Do you want to spend a little money with regular upkeep required?
Do you want to spend more than a little money with almost no upkeep?
The answers to these questions will help to determine the best method of moth control for your home. Exterminating moths that are actively flying around your home does not mean your problem is over. The larvae will be the problem impacting your linens, fabrics and clothing. Preventing moths from entering and accessing your home is one of the first places to start for moth pest control.

Choosing the Right Moth Control Option
Knowing the right pest control option for moths will depend on the severity of the problem the homeowner is experiencing. When a homeowner is considering ways to prevent moths, some of the following options can help to keep the pesky and hungry eaters out of his or her house:

Mothballs are a tried-and-true method of moth prevention. They are cheap and simple to use but can also be smelly and are a health hazard if ingested by animals or humans.
Regularly use natural oils and scents that tend to repel moths, such as lavender. Keeping a plug-in air freshener with lavender-scented oil in areas near your clothing or drapery can do the trick.
Clean out pantries regularly. Any open bags or items such as flour and sugar should be stored in air tight containers.
Pet food and even birdseed are major attractors of moths. Inspect the food often and keep it well contained.
Use a cedar closet to deter moths, utilizing cedar planks for the interior closet walls. This is an expensive option but is one of the best ways to prevent moths.
When storing clothes, line the bottom of garment bags with juniper wood chips or cedar shavings. These are inexpensive but effective solutions.
Use cedar storage chests for favorite items such as baby baptism gowns that you would never want damaged.
Only purchase synthetic fabrics. This isn’t particularly realistic but moths seem to be deterred by synthetics, even if they are mixed with natural fibers.
When it comes to moth control, there are options for every budget. Building a cedar closet might not be in everyone’s budget, but the idea is that you want to keep moths from entering your home in the first place. Some of these tips will help a homeowner to protect much loved belongings

More information and related topic in the links below:

pest control south auckland

Author's Bio: 

Graeme Stephens has been running the largest owned carpet cleaning company
in new Zealand for 24 years. IICRC qualified "master restoration technician"