It isn’t until you decide to move house that you realise just how many things need to be done before you can actually move into your new home. Making sure that you do some proper pre-move preparation is essential in order to complete a stress free relocation. Doing this will help you to avoid any hiccups which, believe me, will increase what is one of the most stressful things we can do.

Ensuring you have removal services booked or a van hired ready to take your belongings is essential. But even more essential is making sure that your things are properly packed up ready for the move. In the past people would use boxes that were freely available or close to hand. Supermarkets were more than happy to give you old boxes for free and that was many peoples first choice. Now with less packaging being used, and recycling requirements, the free box from the local supermarket is no longer an option so you will need to purchase them.

To get the job done properly you need strong boxes that are built for the job. High quality corrugated cardboard boxes are an absolute must if you want your possessions reaching their new destination in good order.

Professional moving materials stores provide a wide range of packing boxes which are designed specifically with moving in mind. The boxes they sell are strong enough to withstand the weight of your belongings safely. They also sell a number of easily overlooked items for packing such as bubblewrap, professional grade packing tape and possibly your best moving friend, marker pens.

It’s easy to overlook the invaluable nature of the humble marker pen when moving but believe me its a life and time saver. Why? well it helps you to bring order to an otherwise chaotic situation. By simply writing clearly where a box’s contents are intended to go you can save a lot of unnecessary unpacking. It’s so easy to overlook but it is so helpful to not only you but also your removal company if you use one. They save time, you save money.

So that brings us nicely onto wardrobe moving boxes. Never heard of them before? well wardrobe boxes are great because they allow you to hang your clothes for the duration of your move so no more stuffing clothes in plastic bags. Not only that they also gives you the option of using them as temporarily wardrobes if you need them to be. Wardrobe boxes contain strong plastic hanging rails so your clothes are stored safely and moved crease free, saving you an extra job later on.

A quick tip for those with small children, give them a box and ask them to pack some of their favourite toys. We all remember Toy Story and the moving buddies, well by making it a game your kids will be occupied with their own little task allowing you to get on with the slightly bigger ones. We know it is stressful enough without the little darlings crying or wanting attention.

Finally we get to selecting the right package for your move. Professional moving supply stores will have packs or kits designed to give you everything you need, usually costing less than buying all of the items individually. There are a wide variety to choose from such as 1-to-2 bedroom moving kits, student/college kits and kitchen boxes. They build these packs to give you everything that you need. The trick it to buy exactly what you require and not underestimate your needs.

So with all that in mind you should be able to give yourself the best chance of a happy move. Good luck.

Author's Bio: 

The information for this article was provided by Packing Boxes UK. They provide high quality removal industry grade moving boxes which are designed specifically with moving home in mind.