So you still want a ferret as a pet? I haven't scared you away yet? Well good! In this article I will be talking about grooming your ferret, breeding your ferret if you decide you want to, and letting them out of the cage for play time.

There's quite the controversy on bathing ferrets because it's actually not really good for them. As it drys out their skin and makes them MORE stinky because it increases the oils in their coat which is why they smell in the first place. But you can wash them and they do make Ferret Shampoo which is in pet stores. If you are going to wash them don't do it more than once every few months. Unless they got themselves into something dirty/sticky and need to be washed. Depending on how your ferret takes to it most don't really like to be washed. I would fill the tub/sink up with warm NOT HOT ..tepid warm water enough to cover their body but not enough to reach their face. If in the tub I would allow them to play a bit to get used to the water. If in the sink dump some water slowly on them and get them wet and used to the feel. Take a tiny bit of shampoo and lather them be very careful not to get it in their eyes, rinse well. Ferrets are pretty good at drying so either let them run around with a few towels on the ground and let them dry themselves off or lightly pat them dry for a few before returning them to a clean cage.

Breeding wise I am only going to touch this subject because my two are fixed. Ferrets are hard to breed as a lot can go wrong in the process. Females go in heat about twice a year. Males a month earlier than them and they are quite disgusting. They smell very badly and end up with the worst of habits at this point. The males can become quite aggressive so must be kept away from other males during this time as they are macho men and tend to fight. The mating process is a pretty vicious ritual so be prepared it's not romantic games. Mating can take several hours and be done more than twice it's best to leave them together for a full day to make sure of the pregnancy. For further information on breeding and the actual dealing with pregnant ferrets and their kits I would check online for sites or check with a local vet.

Out of the cage play time! It is the most exciting time for the ferrets and you where they play and you can be entertained for hours watching them do their thing weather you have one or more they may interact with you or each other either way they should have a few hours of out of cage time to play and get rid of their boundless energy! Make sure you fill any holes you do not wish them to slip into or through! Smaller ferrets are amazing at getting into little spaces don't under estimate them! They are mischievous love to get into things so check for anything hazardous or places they could get stuck and cover them tight because even throwing something over it wont help. Pick up and put small objects they could chew and swallow so they don't choke. Keep wires out of reach if possible if you can't then make sure you keep an eye on the wires as they love to chew. They are thieves so given the chance they will take what they can carry away under somewhere.... I know... I lost slippers, water bottles, 3 socks and a mitten. Bring out blankets and put them on the floor with pillows and cat toys with bells they love to burrow and tunnel in things. I got a long cardboard tube for them to go into along with a box with a few holes in it. I also have a cat play house which they love to go through. Never leave them alone for long! They will give you a lot of laughs and entertainment.

Ferrets are not the easiest of pets but they sure are rewarding to have as a loving pet. Enjoy your relationship with them as much as possible! Check back to whats this for more articals to come!

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