“ Can you really think about yourself only for 10 minutes without comparing yourself with any else”

While writing it, I know I also stand in the queue of people who cannot think about their own abundance without comparison. And, I believe acceptance of this fact is the first step towards KNOW YOURSELF.

Take a paper and pen or close your eyes and think about yourself, just about yourself like how do you feel about yourself , what do you want to achieve in life etc.. watch your thoughts while thinking about yourself , ARE YOU COMPARING OR COMPETING WITH SOMEONE ELSE.


- make a list that how do you feel about yourself at the moment without comparing yourself with anyone.

- While thinking about yourself remove all blocks like .. I am good “if I am rich ” , when I will be rich, if I am slim , if i am like my neighbor …

- Acceptance is first and important step of abundance

- Watch your thought, how much are you competing with someone in your thoughts

- Ready to receive abundance of life

- Life won’t control us but we direct it based on our perceptions, which is filtered by pure beliefs

In reality, the energy of life is neutral but abundant, it is us that how are we accepting it. Take a moment and think . Life is how we perceive it, if someone take it as competition, then yes it is full of competition. If someone wants to put whole energy into knowing someone else then you will get lot of opportunities to know someone else rather than KNOWING YOURSELF, which is your true goal. The beautiful life force is always around us and behave and acts based on our perception, which is filtered by our beliefs. Ironically, life won’t control us but our perception, our thinking controls our life. The circumstances and events around us happening in our life are a reflection of us, a reflection of our thoughts, positive or negative.

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Keywords : Monica nagpal, Monicahealer, meditation, spiritual, law of attraction, healing, holistic counsellor, God, Creator

Author's Bio: 

Dr Monica Nagpal, Founder & CEO The Healing Zone

Dr Monica Nagpal is a holistic healer & teacher, a motivational speaker and an Industrial Counsellor who draws inspiration from the Source – The Creator of All That Is and works as a divine conduit. Dr Monica Nagpal often called as the Miracle Lady is a healer of international repute. She is an intuitive, a clairvoyant and a wonderful psychic. Monica is a gifted healer and due to her varied experience of working with thousands of clients worldwide, she has emerged and evolved into a awesome counsellor and inspiration for many as she has mastered how to stay unaffected by the blocks life presented. She is a winner and champion in many ways. People who meet her get touched by her constantly encouraging and joyous presence.

She follows to the hilt, “Gratitude to those who were good to you and Forgiveness to those who are not.”

Her tryst with life led her to explore spiritual and metaphysical concepts to redesign her life. She practices balance and harmony and loves to share it with everyone. Her quest to know the Truth led her to acquire certifications in myriad alternative modalities since 2002 which include Usui Reiki, Violet Flame Healing, Magnified Healing, Lama Fera, Melchizedek and Karuna Reiki, Ascension Reiki, Crystal Healing, Angel Therapy & Tarot Reading systems of healing. She completed her all levels in Kundalini Yoga and Kriya yoga.

Dr Monica Nagpal considers herself very blessed as she always found the best teachers right from the beginning of her school life.

Monica Nagpal has the following certifications and degrees to her credit apart from being an M.Phil in English and also holds a B.Ed degree. She has always been a dedicated and innovation teacher. She was felicitated with an award “Spardha Shree” conferred in the field of education for her innate skills of motivational and innovative skills in teaching young children.