Fall has begun with its charm of fallen leaves and beautiful sunsets. However , the fall season also signifies that people need to be extremely careful while operating a vehicle , as fall brings about some unique conditions for driving . These are several driving safety tips that one should think about before getting behind the wheel this fall. By sticking to these safety suggestions while driving this fall season , you can very well assure yourself that you won't require a car wreck lawyer to defend you. A vehicle accident is almost always avoidable , however, if you end up in in that position , a vehicle accident lawyer is be a reliable source to turn to.

* Beware of the fallen leaves on the road - You should be extremely alert when you are driving in an area covered with leaves. The fallen leaves on the road can hide dangers such as black ice and potholes, so you have to be careful while driving over them. Also, you should stay away from driving near a pile of leaves on the road . This is extremely important, since children often love to play in these bundles of leaves. You should not park your vehicle near a pile of leaves, because the leaves can become flammable from your exhaust or your catalytic converter.

* The fall season is accompanied by a big change in the weather conditions- Remember that clouds, rain, and fog can decrease your ability to see . In these circumstances , you should be sure that your headlights are on low, and you are maintaining a good traveling space between your car and others on the road .
* Be alert of light levels outdoors - During fall, the mornings tend to stay darker for longer periods of time , and the evenings get darker quicker . Also, it is safe to keep a pair of sunglasses in the car , as the vibrant sunsets can reflect a reflection that can blind you temporarily if it catches your eyes.

* Address particular car maintenance issues- Your car might need replacement of things that are needed to be correctly working during the fall. Ensure that your windshield wipers and headlights are operational . Replace them , or get them fixed if they show any signals of not working .

* Be alert in school zones- While operating a vehicle by a school, ensure that you are aware of your speed . The car speed should not exceed 25 miles per hour when you are crossing a school zone during the morning, during school recess, and at the time when students are leaving the campus . Schools in session will also lead to an increase in traffic in the school vicinity , in the form of buses, parents of children and young drivers. You should also be extremely alert when going past school buses as teens may be boarding and getting off the bus.

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Rasansky Law Firm is an award winning personal injury law firm based in Dallas, TX. If you feel that you need the help of an experienced attorney, contact Rasansky Law Firm today. Visit http://www.jrlawfirm.com or call 877-331-4156 for a free, no obligation case evaluation. The time to act is NOW!