Just like breakfast is the most important meal of the day, using a facial cleanser is the most import part of a skin care routine. Having to deal with the environmental pollutants that are everywhere, starting off your day with a facial cleanser and ending your day in the same way will help you avoid any skin complications you may experience in dealing with these pollutants, leaving you with healthy skin and a happy face. Although this may sound all nice and dandy, you should not just use any old facial cleanser. For the best results from your facial cleanser, check the facial cleanser ingredients to make sure you are using the best that is available.

So what type of ingredients should you avoid? This question can be answered by viewing some internet facial reviews and reading the professionals opinion on this matter. Although, in this day and age the companies have become more receptive to the harmful ingredients and have changed their formulas, there are still a few that use ingredients with potentially harmful ingredients that can cause a multitude of problems. For example, have you ever heard of the popular facial cleanser ingredient Dioxane, or better yet 1,4-dioxane? This ingredient is used as a facial cleanser ingredient that is used to allow for ingredients to sink into your skin quickly but it is not the healthiest alternative to a quickly absorbed ingredient. Known as not only a facial cleanser ingredient that eventually causes cancer, it is also a kidney, respiratory and neuro-toxicant. Another example is a little less harsh than a dioxane but still does nothing good for the skin. Mineral Oil is what I am talking about and the side effects are exactly the opposite of what you want a facial cleanser to do for your face. Mineral Oil clogs pores, interferes with the skin's ability to rid itself of toxins and encourages acne. Formerly known as a great moisturizing ingredient, this oil is now something we should all avoid in our skin care products (especially our facial cleansers).

So what type of facial cleanser ingredients should we search for? Again by hopping on the internet and looking at the facial cleanser reviews as well as other sites you will be able to get a good idea of what facial cleanser ingredients to use for the best results. A majority of these sites will tell you that the natural ingredients and the organic ingredients are the way to go in any facial cleanser or other skin care product, and they would be right. The reason why facial cleanser ingredients of this sort work so well with human skin is due to the fact that they work alongside your body's natural rhythm. Pretty much these organic ingredients are advance copies of your body's natural process only doubling your resistance to pollutants and such. A great example of such a facial cleanser ingredient goes by the name Tangerine Oil. Tangerine oil is a very natural ingredient that fights off bacteria very well. Obviously being a derivative of the citrus fruit tangerines, it also contains vitamin c and other great nutrients that only help your skin. Also, this facial cleanser ingredient (as well as any other organic ingredient) is extremely gentle to your skin so if acne is an issue you can expect to resolve the issue of irritated skin. Amongst the essential oil family, Tangerine oil is one of the top as well as many others. They deserve to be checked out due to their amazing skin reactions.

In the end, a facial cleanser should be something that is essential to our every day skin care routine but you should be aware of the potential dangers that can be caused by picking the wrong products. Do your research and know your ingredients, these are very important to healthy skin. Your skin works very hard for you, so treat it well. Your skin deserves it.

Author's Bio: 

Mark Daniels is an expert on everything involving skin care products and their reactions. His insight into the best consumer values has made him a very popular author for consumers to follow, prior to making their buying decisions. He writes on topics like facial cleanser ingredients to acne scars and how to heal them.