Although this headline will not appear in The New York Times or The Wall Street Journal maybe it should. The chances of a child being addicted to drugs to alter their moods in adulthood increase exponentially if they are prescribed medication by a psychiatrist or doctor at an early age. Parents run to the prescription counter at the first sign of “abnormal behavior” with the hope that a pill is the answer. The parents reasoning is that “it was recommended by a teacher, family physician or a psychiatrist; they must know what they are doing”. Or do they?

Under the care of the head of Medical Genetics at a prestigious clinic, my six year old son was placed on one medication after another. Zoloft, which is not approved for children, almost killed him. He was taken of Zoloft and the solution was, “another drug”. I believed I was doing the right thing by changing mediation after medication until my son was finally in renal failure with no alternative but to quickly come off of most of his medications. This lead to a severe state of depression that he was unable to recover from. With his predisposition to addiction and his early exposure to medication, his death was not a huge surprise for any of us. Although I spent my life trying to avoid this very thing, it became a reality. Severe birth trauma is a contributing factor to and accounts for a great deal of Attachment Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder in children that ultimately are placed on medications.

John’s death has stopped me from the search for “A BETTER WAY” to treat our children. As a matter of fact, working with families such as mine, has become a passion that has fueled my research into Energy Psychology and Sound Therapy with even more intensity. My latest discovery in Sound Therapy is called Metatones. It uses binaural sounds with increasing octaves generated by a person’s own voice repeating an intention. It is the most sophisticated development I have ever seen. For the cost of a dinner and a movie, every family could incorporate this technology into their lives. Once you try it, you’re hooked; you’re a believer. Although it must be used weekly to obtain optimum results, it is the type of therapy you actually look forward to. Creating your own affirmation and hearing it played back in a series of binaural harmonics is amazing. Instead of becoming addicted to a drug you actually crave the sound of your own voice setting the intention for the day. The effects are very soothing and profound.

Using the “OHM” tuning fork with Metatones and muscle testing for the affirmations kicks it up a notch. As the official Guide to Sound Therapy, it is my pleasure to introduce you to the possibility that we all have to heal from the quantum level up. As my research into this therapy progresses, I will be posting the results, as well as including my energy photos of this modality in my newsletter. Metatones provides the promise of the core level healing that we all have the right to receive. I offer my sincere thanks to the developers of this technology. When you combine this therapy with Energy Psychology, I am sure the results will be as astounding for you as they have been for so many others who have used this combination.

Author's Bio: 

Regina Murphy is an Advocate for drugless teratment for behavior problems.Founder of "Emotional Sound Techniques" and Love In Action , a Nonprofit dedicated to providing education and assistance to children with emotional problems. Author of "The Elusive Gift of Tragedy"and a Therapist in the Healing Arts.