Expect to have a wonderful idealist career all the time? If the answer is yes, then you are expecting too much.

This is not to say that you are destined to have an unhappy career. It does mean that your career has its ups and downs and it's all part of your journey to true career satisfaction.

Your career spans many years, and in some cases, 30, 40, 50 years or longer. Just because of the sheer number of years is indication that you will have problems at some point.

Problems are not always a bad thing. Often, they represent an opportunity for growth. It's important to note that problems rarely vanish on their own. Most problems disappear when you act. Then, as you learn how to effectively deal with them, the problems begin to fade away.

So How Do You Make Your Problems Fade Away? Follow These 4 Steps Below:

1) Face Your Problems

One of the hardest things we have to do in life is look at ourselves. Sometimes we like what we see in the mirror. Other times we wish there was someone else looking back at us. Facing yourself and the problems that are in front of you is very important. Until you face what is happening to you, or what you have brought on yourself, you cannot fix it. It is easier to face a problem, than it is to avoid it. It might seem easier to ignore it, but it only gets worse when you do.

2) Expect To Find A Solution

I understand that problems are not fun and can take a toll on you. I also know that people give up when problems last too long or become overwhelming. Expectation plays a big role in making your problems go away. You get what you expect. If you expect that your problems will consume your life, then they will. If you expect that your problems will have a beginning, middle, and an end, then they will. If you expect to find a solution, then you will find one. What you expect happens and becomes your reality.

3) Break Your Problem Into Pieces

This way you will be less overwhelmed and fixing your problem will seem more doable. Although you want your problem to go away instantly, the truth is problem-solving is a process. Your goal is to tackle each piece of your problems, one at a time, consistently, until you no longer have that problem anymore.

4) Prepare For More Problems

Problems tell you something is wrong and not working. This is valuable information to have. Without a problem, would you work on making your career the best it could be? Or, would you continue doing the same thing forever? How can your career be great unless you keep working towards making it great? Problems keep you on your toes. They keep you sharp and they keep you moving towards the goals that are important to you.

So, what do you say? You only have one life to live, so it might as well be a life you love!

Author's Bio: 

***Deborah Brown-Volkman, PCC, is the President of Surpass Your Dreams, Inc. a successful career, life, and mentor coaching company that works with Senior Executives, Vice Presidents, and Managers who are looking for new career opportunities or seek to become more productive in their current role. She is the author of "Coach Yourself To A New Career", "Don't Blow It! The Right Words For The Right Job" and "How To Feel Great At Work Everyday." Deborah can be reached at http://www.surpassyourdreams.com or at (631) 874-2877.***