Imaging and cherishing yourself - Imagine learning to make your own personal deck of divinatory cards and then learning to consult them! You can do it! One by one you can create lovely cards by selecting images, cutting them out and pasting them on to pieces of matboard. Each SoulCollage® card you make will reflect one facet of your Self and or Soul, while the evolving deck will reflect the whole panorama which is "you" as a whole Being ---- your SoulCollage. I guarantee you will cherish your cards as if you were holding yourself in your hands. Bit by bit, you will be making them, fanning them out, putting this and that into perspective in your life, and overall, discovering your inner wisdom.

Inquiring about your life questions - There are many oracular forms available in our world right now, just as there were in ancient times. There are Tarot cards, Runes, I Ching, astrology, and others. Some people take a book of holy scripture, open to a page, point at random to a line and find words of direction and help. Is this a return to superstition and magic? Not at all. It is a return to the valuing of intuition, and also a return to a more mystical understanding of reality. Answers are available to each person without dependence on psychics, gurus, well-known authors, or teachers to access our inner wisdom. With the SoulCollage® process, with the support of a group of like-minded people, we can do this inquiry ourselves.

Honoring the ordinary and extraordinary parts of you - SoulCollage® is a way to tend your soul and explore your psyche at the same time. Some of the images you choose will show pieces of your personality, the actors in your local story such as your "caretaker" or your "controller", your "dancer" or your "silly child." Other images will be more mysterious and mythic, images that will represent the archetypes who may be guiding you. These are the Great Ones who inevitably weave your local story into the Larger Story. These might include archetypes such as the "Creator", or the "Warrior", the "Wise, Old Woman", or even the "Fool".

Healing yourself - When you find a powerful image and create a card you are doing healing therapeutic work. Often your troublesome part quiets down and takes a more appropriate place on your Committee. Making SoulCollage® cards for the neutral, everyday parts of the personality is healing as well. When you call forth and name these overlooked workers of the self, you appreciate how complex and marvelous your personality really is.
Exploring yourself - What we are doing as we make SoulCollage® cards for our Council Suit is recognizing, imaging, naming, honoring, and consulting the archetypes who clearly have selected us. We also will be drawn to images representing the less known and mysterious archetypes -- the ones who are on the edges of consciousness, flitting in and out, and inviting us to engage with them more deeply….Let me encourage you to gather the most powerful images you can find. Lay them out, move them around, and acknowledge their call to you. Because archetypes are mysterious and fluid you will be drawn to images which seem curious and strange to your logical mind. "Now why do I like this so much?" you will wonder. Do not try to figure it out before you make the card. Create it almost from a dream state. You may find yourself making several cards with a similar feel to them, a similar theme.

Book Astract available at

Author's Bio: 

Seena B. Frost, M. Div., M.A. studied theology at Yale Divinity School, married, raised four children, and then received a Master's degree in psychology from Santa Clara University. She is a California licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Special trainings with Jean Houston and Robin Van Doren inspired the combining of three of her life passions: spirituality, psychotherapy, and creativity. Seena is the founder of a world-wide, rapidly growing, intuitive collage movement called SoulCollage®, a collage process incorporating images, imagination, and intuition.The author of the SoulCollage® book, Seena leads SoulCollage® Facilitator Trainings and offers workshops in the Santa Cruz, CA area.

Learn more and see examples of SoulCollage® cards at
Read about the SoulCollage® Facilitator Training at