Corals are underwater organisms in class of Anthozoa that's usually living in compact colonies of the same polyps. They secrete calcium carbonate, which is a common substance present in rocks, to create a hard skeleton.

Propagation is a form of reproduction attained by splitting the reefs into several pieces.

Coral propagation is very important because it is a great way in preservation of Wild Life. Cutting the coral into fragments is a method to encourage growth for a new nest. It is important to the sustainability of wit the saltwater reef aquarium hobby. Propagated coral is both helpful and beneficial to aquarists because it serves as a habitat with regards to fish also it can also be an easy way for them to make extra income.

Some enthusiast developed a small business just for this species. Some of them put a particular sort of coral to be sold at Amazon which is a place to buy online, the place to trade, and a place to shop.

It's also required to propagate corals because it's far more suitable for one’s aquarium compared to wild obtained ones. One benefit for having propagated corals within the aquarium is because it's lesser possibility of possessing parasitic organisms and illnesses. Pests like acropora eating flat worms, red flat worms, sundial snails, aiptasia anemone, asterina starfish, fireworms, gorilla club and many more usually are found in the wild collected corals and also you don’t want to have those in your own aquarium tank.

Also, it is important to propagate corals if you don't want to go to the ocean simply to get your own and return it home that may cost lots of money and energy. This is also beneficial because sometimes if other hobbyist encounters your propagated corals, they might want to trade it for a thing you don’t have.

Coral propagation is the greatest method to protect corals and even multiply them. But it's up to the person if they should do it, if they unsuccessfully done it then it will only be a complete waste of both effort and time, however, if he is successful, it's really a satisfying experience.

In fragging coral reefs, there are things that you must take into consideration before deciding to propagate it corals. Listed below are the discussions on how to pick the right coral to reproduce it.
1. Choose only mature and healthy corals to be propagated.
2. By decreasing the reproduction of corals to one of each kind, it'll lessen the chance of your coral reefs from cross-contaminating other corals through mucus generation.
3. If you have more tanks, the system or water conditions of the recently propagated corals need to be similar to the parent’s colony. Simply because, it's going to reduce stress and improves possibilities of healing of the coral.

Author's Bio: 

Bince is one of those who loves to save mother nature. Learn more about Coral Fragging and make your own saltwater aquarium professionally without destroying nature.