An Apple iPhone is known for its uniqueness. Unlike its competitors, an apple iPhone battery is not removable. When you are buying your phone, you just have to trust that what you are buying is good. One important thing to check when you are shopping for your iPhone is the battery. Always make sure that you are settling for a good battery because a sleek appearance is nothing with a bad battery. Before you can buy your iPhone, there are some important things that you need to know and understand about iPhone batteries. Here are some of them

Understand the iPhone battery capacity
The first important thing to understand is the capacity of your iPhone battery. With the introduction of IOS 11.3 back in the year 2018, Apple introduced a very important feature that can inform you a lot about the function and the capacity of your iPhone battery. Things such as better battery health are all explained. It is very important to also understand that your iPhone battery capacity goes down over time. The charge cycle and potential damage are what can make your capacity go down. This will also help you during iphone battery replacement.

Battery status of your iPhone
Sometimes checking the battery status of your iPhone is good. The status of your battery will automatically tell you if your battery is in shape or not. If you have IOS 11.3 or the later installed versions, you can easily find your battery status by going to settings, choose battery then select battery health. It is very important to note that this feature is only available for those people owning an iPhone 6 and other models that came after iPhone 6.
When checking your battery health screen, you will have the privilege of an important secondary metric which is 'peak performance capability.' This might be very important than even the battery capacity itself. If your battery is not in good shape, you will automatically get a message warning you about that. If your battery is operating optimally, all your iPhone apps will be supported and you will receive a message telling you that your phone is operating at normal peak performance.

Ways to extend your iPhone battery life
Believe it or not, there are ways through which you can extend the performance of your iPhone battery. The apple industry or brand has tried to extend the battery life of their phones through a technique known as throttling. This is also called performance management. Throating is just a way of extending the battery life of Apple phones on the behalf of the owner. Although the iPhone will be running, power will be conserved as well. You can choose to turn it off as well but you will have to do it manually. When you do so, you should be very ready for your iPhone battery to run off very first. This is because the phone will be operating close to its limits. To extend your battery life, stay on the latest IOS, keep your phone in temperature between 16 and 22 degrees, and avoid excessive heat while charging. Learn how to extend your battery life after iPhone battery replacement.

Click on this link to get more information about iphone battery replacement.

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It is very important to also understand that your iPhone battery capacity goes down over time. The charge cycle and potential damage are what can make your capacity go down. This will also help you during iphone battery replacement.