Everybody Sells! The Business Skill Everyone Loves to Hate!
Everyone needs to learn the “Art and Science” of Selling!
Selling, arguably the most important function in any business, yet very few people are born with the natural ability to sell. Everything, and I mean everything, in business starts with something “being sold”. If nothing is sold, it does not matter how good your product(s) and/or service(s) are someone has to sell it first, in order for someone buy it, for you to delivery it later! Someone must sell it first for the “Money Making Machine” to start producing a closed deal and a payment!
There is no way for you to make any type of substantial money without being involved in the business function of Selling. Don’t make the mistake of putting everything else in front of selling. It is one of the main reasons the average business fails. Maybe it’s because they couldn’t sell or felt uncomfortable selling. Either way, failure is still failure no matter how you slice it.
What’s the biggest stumbling block that all businesses face at one point or another? It’s not creating a financially prosperous business. That’s the easy part. Making sales consistently is the most challenging thing in the world for business. It doesn’t have to be that way!
Below are some of the most important “Sales Tools” that all sales people need to know and use:
• Business Value Proposition - One of the most important things your can tell the marketplace about your business. Also known as the “Elevator Pitch”, “Sales Pitch, and “Unique Sales Proposition (USP)” just to name a few other names.
• Marketing Offer – A marketing tool to have prospective customers and clients come to you.
• Marketing and Sales Master Plan – Your “Money-Making Blueprint” for getting customers and closing dealing. A sub-plan to your Business Plan.
• Basic Marketing and Selling Techniques – Proven, methods and techniques for lead generation to start the sales process.
• The “Seven Key Steps” to Close Every Deal – Your “Master Sales Process” to consistently close deals and generate revenues.
• Handling Objections – Objections are a good thing and another important tool to consistently close deals.
• Closing the Sale – The goal in sales, getting a signed agreement, getting paid and making the bank deposit!
Everyone in business needs to know how to sell. Truth be told, everyone needs to learn how to sell! Examine the following examples: Don’t job applicants “SELL” their credentials as to why they are the best candidate for the job? Don’t parents “SELL” their children on why they should eat right, be good citizens and the benefits of going to school to achieve good grades? Don’t employees “SELL” their employers on why they deserve a raise? Whether you use the “”Sell”, “Persuade”, “Convince”, “Prove to”, “Talk Someone Into”, “Coax”, etc., it’s all Selling!
It doesn’t matter if you have no sales background at all. You've got to first change how you think about sales and selling. Selling, like any other skill, needs to be “Learned, Practiced and Mastered”. Learn the “Art and Science” of selling and be on your way to becoming a master salesperson and enjoying a more fulfilling, prosperous and rewarding professional life!
Learn Basic, Proven and Results Oriented Sales Skills, Methods and Techniques to Get Clients Consistently with No Prior Sales Background and Increase Revenues, Reduce Business Stress and Create a Productive Work-Life Balance! He is the owner of Metropolitan Small Business Coaching LLC (www.MetroSmallBusinessCoaching.com), and works with “Solopreneurs”, Entrepreneurs, Small Businesses and Technology Companies as a: Business Coach, Consultant and Trainer. He is also a Faculty Member/Instructor with the State University at New York (SUNY) Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT), Speaker to Corporations, Business Associations and Academia. He has appeared on radio and television on a range of professional and personal development topics. His books are available from: Amazon.com, BN.com. Mr. Daversa can be reached at OresteDAversa@outlook.com
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