The epididymis is a vital reproductive organ. Its contribution to fertility is not inferior to the testis, vas deferens, and other reproductive organs. There are two testicles in the male scrotum. In addition to these two testicles, there is also a pair of epididymides.

The epididymis is a pair of slender and flat organs tied to the lower end of the spermatic cord together with the testicles. The epididymis is the only way for sperm and an essential part of sperm development and maturation.

Epididymitis will cut off the supply of nutrients required by sperm, reduce the activity of sperm and block the passage of sperm, which will seriously affect the quality and movement of sperm and then lead to male infertility.

The symptoms of acute epididymitis are not very obvious and easy to be ignored. Generally speaking, patients with acute epididymitis will have a sudden high fever, and the number of white blood cells can be seen in blood examination. And they may have swelling and pain of lateral scrotum, swelling of epididymis, heavy falling feeling, and apparent tenderness.

There is a pain in the lower abdomen and groin. When the inflammation affects a large range, the epididymis and testis are swollen, and the boundary between the two is not clear, which is called epididymal orchitis.

The spermatic cord on the affected side is thickened and tender. Generally, acute symptoms can gradually subside after a week.

Scrotal pain is a typical manifestation of chronic epididymitis. It is often manifested as long-term or intermittent pain in the affected scrotum. And the pain is primarily dull, swelling and falling feeling, and lower abdominal pain. The pain caused by chronic epididymitis can radiate to the lower abdomen and ipsilateral groin. Patients can have thigh root pain or lower abdominal pain. The vas deferens are thickened, which is generally manifested as the thickening of the ipsilateral vas deferens.

Hydrocele, not all patients have this symptom, is often secondary. The epididymis increases and hardens. There is tenderness in the epididymis.

Some hazards of epididymitis :

It can cause frequent spermatorrhea. Epididymitis often makes the genital parts of patients congested, which makes the spinal cord ejaculatory center pathologically excited, resulting in frequent ejaculation;

It can affect sexual life. When epididymitis can not be treated for a long time, it will harden the epididymis. When ejaculating in sexual life, ejaculation pain will occur due to the contraction of vas deferens, affecting the quality of sexual life;

It can affect fertility. The epididymis is the place where sperm live. If the epididymis is inflamed, it will affect the living environment of sperm, reduce the vitality of sperm, leading to dead sperm, azoospermia, and loss of fertility. And it may infect inflammatory bacteria to spouses, causing gynecological diseases and harm to spouses.

Adequate clearance and control of infection are the keys.

Epididymitis is often secondary to prostatitis, gonococcal urethritis, and non-gonococcal urethritis. Infectious diseases in other body parts can also pass through the blood circulation into the epididymis, causing infection. Especially when men stay up late, have frequent sexual intercourse, or exercise violently, their body immunity decreases. The pathogens in the urethra and prostate are easy to accumulate and reproduce in the epididymis, causing epididymitis.

In conclusion, epididymitis is a common cause of male infertility, and it is usually tricky to find because there are no discomfort symptoms.

Epididymitis patients should go to the hospital in time to find a professional doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

To treat epididymitis, men can generally take oral anti-inflammatory drugs for anti-inflammatory treatment and then hold up the scrotum locally. They can wear slightly tighter triangular underwear and so on to not affect the blood supply and the absorption of inflammation due to the falling of the enlarged epididymis. If there are systemic symptoms, such as high fever, in this case, the patient can receive infusion anti-inflammatory treatment so that the condition can be well controlled.

If it is chronic epididymitis or combined with prostatitis, men can also choose herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill for treatment. It can eliminate the symptoms and it repairs the damaged tissues and wipes out toxins to restore the reproductive system.

The life and health care of patients with epididymitis are also significant. Avoid tobacco, alcohol, spicy and other irritant foods because these may increase epididymal congestion and aggravate inflammatory reaction. Avoid long-term sitting and suffocating urine and exercise appropriately.

During treatment, excrete semen regularly by masturbation or sexual intercourse with condoms. Regular sexual life and regular emptying of semen can eliminate the pathogens of epididymal infection, which is conducive to the treatment of disease.

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