It is now possible for women to enhance their looks and body contour by going in for laser liposuction and cellulite reduction treatment at the same time. While liposuction utilizing the latest laser technology can remove excess fat from various areas, cellulite treatment with CellulazeTM, the revolutionary modality from Cynosure improves the appearance of those unwelcome dimples on the hips and thighs.

Laser-enabled Liposuction to Remove Stubborn Fat

If you are looking to improve your shape and look good in swimwear and short dresses this summer you need to get rid of the that flab that even diet and exercise, will not resolve. Consult a good plastic surgeon and find out if you are a good candidate for the procedure – it works best for women who are healthy and close to their normal weight. One of the questions you should ask your surgeon is whether your surgery will be performed using the minimally invasive Smartlipo Triplex that features advanced laser technology. This will ensure quick and safe fat removal. This laser workstation is also designed to allow the surgeon to sculpt your body to provide amazing skin tightening effects.

New, FDA Approved Laser Technology to Reduce Cellulite

Liposuction can remove excessive fat, tighten skin and help to tone the treated areas, but it will not help reduce cellulite. Though there are many cellulite reduction treatments in the market, none are as effective as the groundbreaking Cellulaze. This new FDA approved technology is in a class of its own because it attacks the root cause of cellulite – structural issues which lie beneath the skin. As you age or gain weight, pockets of fat form and bulge upwards as rigid subcutaneous fibrous tissue pulls downward. That’s how the surface of your thigh, hip and buttock skin develops the ‘cottage cheese’ look called cellulite.

Like Smartlipo Triplex, this unique laser cellulite treatment also uses laser technology. The bidirectional laser fiber can be moved in various directions to melt the fat, cut the fibrous bands of tissue, and stimulate the growth of collagen and elastin. These actions immediately reduce the appearance of cellulite and improve the quality of the skin, making it smoother and thicker. The procedure is safe and has minimal side effects. Both laser lipolysis and laser cellulite treatment can be performed under local anesthesia and ensure minimal downtime

Ensure Great Results – Choose the Right Surgeon

The golden rule when you go in for plastic surgery is to choose the right surgeon. Explore websites and check out procedures performed and technologies used. Schedule consultations with these specialists and choose a plastic surgeon that can help enhance your body contour with both laser liposuction and cellulite reduction treatment. Make sure the surgeon is Cellulaze-trained and skilled in performing cosmetic surgery using advanced laser procedures. Surgery in an AAAASF-accredited surgical practice is important to ensure a safe and hygienic environment.

Author's Bio: 

Cellulaze is a tried, tested and proven treatment which helps to reduce cellulite. Undergo laser liposuction with cellulite reduction to attain a strikingly attractive body contour.