We humans need to communicate with one another; we must interact and express our intentions to each other, the more preferred method being through verbal means. Our history as an entire specie is filled with examples of civilizations rising to full heights when we fully understand what is expected of everyone - be it as priest, soldier, or slave. Progress never materializes when we do not talk.

Language is a unifying force, wielding as much power as military and religion can. When diverse nationalities comprehend one another, chances are that, at the very least, they will tolerate each other's presence, and live more or less in peace.

The more notable ancient world empires discovered this truth and applied it as they spread their tentacle to other lands. The Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Persians, Indians, Chinese and many, many others knew this, and so the rulers always strived to impose their own language on conquered races. Although oftentimes forced, the ensuing period of truce brings enough tranquility to allow an intercourse of culture and knowledge.

Later imperialist invasions are also aware of this truism. Consider the fact that Spanish is spoken in much of Latin America, and Portuguese in the rest, Chinese and its derivatives in many parts of the Far East, Arabic in the Middle East, Russia in Eastern Europe, German in central Europe, and French in many other places plus in some aristocratic strata of society.

In modern times, military and religious purposes have largely been replaced by economic or business intentions. Instead of sword and guns, present day conquerors bring technology and factories. The requirement for a universal communication foundation has therefore never been greater or more expedient.

It is probably predestined that one empire stretched to the ends of the earth "where the sun does not set on it", and the nations that have seen its renown readily accepted its ways and adopted its language. One of these spread its culture "from sea to shining sea" to a global community of commerce and industry. The world now has truly an international tongue.

As in many of human devices, which may be utilized for good or evil, language in spoken or written form, is sometimes used by groups bent on disrupting peace, security, harmony, law, system, organization, and order. Fortunately their number, loud and destructive they may be, is relatively small; the rest of us welcome the sharing of progress and fruits of creative ingenuity.

The modern age was made possible because of contributions by many persons in different countries in the various fields of science, art, engineering, innovation, education, technology, and related branches. The resulting explosion and intertwining of knowledge was accomplished because we have learned to cooperate with one another in attaining heretofore unreachable dreams, achieved as we shared ideas transmitted through a singular medium of communication. It was instrumental in forging peace in our times and was responsible for the development of the present civilization.

Whether accepted or spurned, acknowledged or not, for the better part of humanity, English is the first language.

Author's Bio: 

I retired a Chemical Engineer, became a call center agent, got fascinated with the computer and acquainted with home income possibilities; now working in internet marketing, partly as an associate, partly as a writer . I am responsible for attaining for a Search Engine Optimization client, the status of Expert Author on EzineArticles. com