Every one of us needs help navigating through life. As Donne stated so clearly, "No man is an island," and it certainly does help being in community with one another. After all, we know the universe works on the principle that what we send out always comes back to us. So it certainly makes sense that in helping others we are also helping ourselves.

Regarding service to others, I am a Light Worker who willingly offers a special gift that I have been given. . . unique images and accompanying messages that are "gifted" to me for the sole purpose of assisting others on their path. The energy portals are visions that I receive, and as I have not painted in many years, the resulting images are really not mine - I have help from Spirit in the creation that appears on the canvas.

Those who have already seen the portals, and especially those who have envisioned them in their meditations, have shared remarkable experiences. You see, each image is created on the night of the new moon -- a special time for creation of one's desires and the optimum time for manifesting what you desire in your life. In this way, the energetic is quite powerful. A particular ascended master overlights each work, and their message suggests how we can empower ourselves. No small task, but how wonderful to receive such guidance!

I invite you to see for yourself how the visions of these portals can assist you. It's easy to do: simply look at the image, and read the message which briefly explains the energetics that go along with it. Whenever you have a quiet moment - or when you meditate for longer periods - envision the image and mentally affirm what you would like assistance with in connection with that particular portal. The more you work with the image, the more its energy can assist you.

As we are all connected on all levels, I welcome your sharing of how these portals resonate with you. And, as I mentioned, a new image is posted once a month. This, I am told, will continue for the entire year of 2010.

See and feel for yourself how these powerful portals of energy may assist you.

Serving in Love, Light & Joy -- Linda Carter Backes, RM

Author's Bio: 

I am a Light worker and owner of A Radiant Center for Body, Mind & Spirit, a spiritually based business and site solely for the purpose of sharing my spiritual gifts in service to others.
As a Reiki Master and Spiritual Channel, I offer sessions and training for energetic clearing and upgrading fields, receiving Divine Guidance, and also teaching classes in Usui Reiki, and meditation. As a participant and speaker in the Body, Mind & Spirit Expo in North Carolina and Florida, I offer Mystical Fochaadams Intuitive Readings, both in person and long distance.
Please check out the website for the latest Energy Portal image and much more: www.lindabackes.com