It is very well known that India has been hit by the IT boom some years back and this is the reason that several young college graduates have started taking up jobs and employment with these companies. This is because it was really simple and easy to get jobs in such companies that are well compared to the government sectors. These people have realized it very well that the private firms are actually not much concerned about the welfare of the employees. They are only concerned about the profit of their own and their company. So, you need to give a thought to the government jobs in India.

In this period, the government jobs actually regained their popularity. So many people have started leaving these private jobs and companies so that they can apply for the government jobs. Well, the government realized that they need to make some good changes in the complete employment scenario and system. This way more and more people could get employed with the government departments. Some good camps have been organized by the Ministry of human resource and development throughout the country in several different universities and colleges in order to find out the methods to increase the employment offers and opportunities.

Earlier it was the fact that almost all the government vacancies in India were accessible in the big metropolitan cities but now it has changed. Good number of vacancies is available in rural areas too. Actually the Ministry submitted a report to the central government. After that they chalked out a plan to place all the things in a good order. Several good steps have been taken up by the Indian government to increment the employment opportunities all across the country. The government dissolved several trade unions across the diverse industry verticals. These unions were having high level of power before this dissolving step.

Some sectors like the public transport, road construction departments and licensing departments actually had a lot of employees and these employees were not under the direct payrolls of the government. They were the contract employees who used to work on daily wages and that also under the government appointed contractors. There was no job security at all. Moreover, in most cases the decision of employing and rejecting the applicants was taken by the trade unions. This also resulted in the corruption in the government departments. When the reports were submitted, the central government put a complete ban on several trade unions across the country.

The government also invested in natural resource. Government decided to put up some good small scale industries in order to bring in some revenue through the natural resources. This resulted in a great rise in the employment opportunities in rural areas and also assisted people of the rural areas to get and benefit from the access to government jobs. This is why it is said that the government scenario has been changed by the government sectors of India. Now, everyone has equal right to the government jobs and get their benefits.

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Author Speak about Sarkari Naukri Preparation and motivate students to find Employment news in Organization