We are all emotional beings. We may experience emotions in varying levels of intensity but nobody can deny having emotions. Recognizing and understanding emotions is of paramount importance in our personal lives and interactions with others.
Emotional Intelligence is a relatively new concept in the field of Psychology. It is the ability to recognize, understand and regulate your own emotions and those of others. Some experts say that emotional intelligence is inborn while others believe that it is a trait that can be acquired and developed. Intelligence Quotient (IQ) has always been given significance in judging the brainpower of an individual. However, these days it is increasingly recognized that IQ is not the only criteria to judge performance. A highly intelligent person may not necessarily be adept at handling his emotions and those of others. Emotional Intelligence may make all the difference in the world because it determines the way we conduct ourselves and interact with others.
Emotional Intelligence is critical in the workplace and in personal relationships. Emotions are intangible. Therefore, initially they were not given attention as far as the workplace was concerned. Workers who are balanced emotionally are empathetic, optimistic, have a positive attitude and are not hesitant when it comes to seeking compromise. Good leadership qualities are often associated with a high degree of Emotional Intelligence. To balance the emotions within a group of people from diverse cultures and backgrounds, it is necessary for the management to recognize, understand and empathize with their emotions. To resolve a problem at the workplace, it is observed that Emotional Intelligence is handier as compared to Intelligence Quotient. An employee with high emotional intelligence can control his own emotions and impulses, communicate with others successfully and even dilute tense situations with foresight and tact. Emotional Intelligence is vital for teamwork and team-building.
Countless marriages and relationships break-up due to lack of Emotional Intelligence in one or both the partners. Relationships are like plants. They require nurturing and nourishment to grow. Inattention and indifference kills them. Couples where both partners exhibit a high degree of emotional intelligence have a much better shot at survival. After all, relationships are all about compromises and understanding the emotions of your spouse or partner.
Emotional Intelligence and Anger Management: Anger is the most human and most destructive of all human emotions. When we are angry we react impulsively and momentarily lose control of our ability to rationalize. When angry some people turn violent and abusive, others become withdrawn and morose. Emotional Intelligence is extremely necessary to recognize, accept and placate anger. If we are unable to manage our anger, we can be seriously harmful to ourselves, our colleagues and society at large. Temper tantrums and fist fights are caused when people our unable to put a lid on their anger and end up taking the law in their own hands. It is necessary to develop Emotional Intelligence to deal with edgy situations and highly charged individuals. Therefore, developing a high level of emotional intelligence is crucial as far as anger management is concerned. Daniel Goleman, the propagator of this concept advocated Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness and Relationship Management as the four domains of Emotional Intelligence.
Gregory A. Kyles, located in Houston, Texas has over 18 years in providing mental health counseling services. Mr. Kyles is the Program Director, Anger Management Institute of Texas www.ami-tx.com.
Mr. Kyles graduated from the University of Houston receiving his Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology, and continued at Prairie View A&M University of Texas receiving his Master of Arts in Counseling.
Additionally Mr. Kyles is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), Certified Professional in Human Resources (PHR), Certified Employee Assistance Professional (CEAP), and a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor (LCDC). Mr. Kyles is currently lending his expertise in a global corporation as a Corporate Ombudsman and Mediator in conjunction to his private practice.
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