Eliminate the Mind Games
Stop the “What if” game and start focusing on “What can be.”

The longer you wait, the less of a chance you have to reconnect with your ex. You rowed
the same boat in life for so long, but when the waters got choppy, one of you went
overboard. If you wait for the waves to die down, your ex will have floated out to sea.

But this doesn’t mean you need to start clinging to the edge of their boat, reaching out
desperately for them to grab your hand. It means you need to learn how to navigate the
waters safely on your own. If you’re going to save your relationship, you need to save
yourself first.

Your Situation Is Unique

I know that your break-up is a rare, complicated set of circumstances unique to just you
and your ex. Maybe you lived together, share kids or pets together. Maybe you have to
see your ex every day because you work together. I get it!

This section will help you stop the runaway train of desperation and frustration so that
you can get your relationship back on track. We will put you back in the emotional
driver’s seat. You will learn not to suppress your anger, pain, and fear but instead
transform it into the person you want to become.

Focusing on YOU
In this section, we are going focus on YOU. To attract what you want in your life and all
that you deserve, you will need to reconnect with what made you desirable to your ex
initially and how you can get back to the person you really are.

Many of us have been in love only to have it taken away. After that happens, we are left
feeling unworthy.

Maybe you were one of those people who felt love was hard to find even before you met
your ex. You thought that others were lucky in love, but not you. Now you are left
wondering if you will ever feel that love you long for.

Hopefully, you can’t think of anything
else except how and why you and your
ex are not living the life you once had—
not because I want to see you suffer,
but because I know science! Yes,
science. Everything you think
and feel that is emotionally charged gets
high priority in your life. So that
desperate, panic-stricken feeling you are experiencing in your head and heart will
actually be the very thing that saves your relationship.

BUT ONLY if you know how to use it to your advantage and not let it destroy what is
left of the opportunity to get your ex back.

Emotions and Their Influence
There is no denying that:

• Emotions run our lives, whether we like it or not.
• What we think about becomes what we do.

Remember the last time you wanted to buy something, whether it was as small a purchase
as those great shoes or as big a purchase as a new car? The more you wanted it (high
emotion), the more you thought about it until you finally did something about it.

The more emotional we get about something, the more it starts to take over everything we
see, do, and feel. Every day we hear how normal people do crazy things: run people off
the road or commit heroic acts of courage. Why does that continue to happen? The power
of emotions.

Your break-up has thrust you into a world of unknowns and uncertainty. Even if things
were not all that great before the break-up, at least you knew you could count on the way
things had always been (“The devil you know is better than the devil you don’t” theory).

The problem is that many of us don’t have a way of evaluating or stopping these runaway
emotional thoughts. Unfortunately, these thoughts and behaviors can ruin lives, and in
your case, these thoughts can and will stop you from getting your ex back into your life.

So often, these thoughts leave you feeling embarrassed and silly. You scurry to fix the
problems that should have never happened in the first place.

Here are some warning signs that your emotional thoughts could lead you to trouble.

Does this sound like you?

• You’re talking to your family and friends about your ex in a negative way and
can’t seem to stop.
• You said or are saying harsh things to your ex that you do not really mean,
because you don’t know what else to say or do.
• You can’t seem to think of anything else except what went wrong and what you
could have done differently.
• Your sadness seems to diminish only to return and grab you by the throat once
• You are getting drunk or high because you don’t not know what else to do to
numb the pain.
• You ended up hooking up with someone just to “prove” that you are wanted or
that your current misery is not that bad.
• You are drunk dialing or sending thousands of text messages to your ex.

Don’t worry; we have all been there in one way or another. You haven’t been able to get
this all figured out before, but now you have the blueprint that will guide you step by
step. No more embarrassment or shame.

Taking Action
Like all things that are new, taking the first step is usually the hardest. It’s like the first
time you learned how to drive a car. Most likely, someone explained the rules of the road
to keep you safe and out of trouble. Then they showed you how to drive the car and
helped you do it the first few times until you felt comfortable enough to try it on your

Eventually, driving became second nature to you. I am sure you never get into your car,
recite the rules before you drive, or have someone sit shotgun just to make sure you’re

doing it right. That’s because you are bright, and once you were given direction on how
to do it, you did it!

Just like driving a car, learning how to be the one who is never dumped again
encompasses the same principle. Once you decide to do something, you make it happen,
and pretty soon, you can do it without thinking. This blueprint is designed to be that easy
to master.

Your New Future
Today is the first day of your new awesome future. It won’t be long before you are your
old self again, feeling secure and confident, even if you have never felt confident before.
You are about to learn how to be the guy or girl that no partner would want to be without.

Get Your Head in the Game—Step by Step Get the full program now

Step 1. Take Time for You
Decide that you are committed to taking the next seven days just for you. Taking time for
you means having NO contact with your ex, unless you are meeting for the children or
because you work together. There should be no texting, emailing, or calling, and
definitely no Facebook peeks or comments. This is a true break in the action. Taking a
complete hiatus produces two results:

1. It allows you both to cool off. This time away will allow you to
compose yourself and your thoughts.
2. It allows you to confront and deal with that sense of desperation that
compels you to act irrationally. (No one looks attractive while acting
desperate. Trust me.)

Step 2. Emotional House Cleaning
Clear out your ex. That’s right, put old pictures, notes, and special tokens that remind you
of the love you once shared in a box out of your everyday sight. Don’t get rid of them

though. You will need them as we move through the blueprint. These items will be
getting back and keeping your ex. But for right now, put it all away! You want to limit
the things that stir up those emotionally charged thoughts.

Step 3. STOP Playing the “What if” Game
Everyone makes up pictures or scenarios in their minds. These are only thoughts. Many
times, we think our thoughts are real and never question their truth. We give them tons of
time and energy. The problem is that 90% of the time, we never really know if those
thoughts are true or
false. I call these your “what if” thoughts.

The Harm These Thoughts Cause
The problem with having these “what if” thoughts is that they lead you on an emotional
roller-coaster ride that can be impossible to get off and that usually leaves you acting
desperate, needy, and unattractive.

The Attract Your Ex Blueprint teaches you the exact opposite. All of the aforementioned
steps are very important; however, Step 3 is critical. You must identify and handle “what
if” thoughts as soon as they appear so they don’t take up so much room in your head that
you can’t think, or so much room in your heart that you can’t breathe.

You see, a “what if” thought can happen anytime, but usually the most painful ones are in
the middle of the night and go like something like this:

What if . . .
>My ex is with someone else?
>They are having a great time?
>They are hooking up?

“What if” this, “what if” that, . . . can you see how one negative “what if” can lead to
another? It can go on and on until you can’t stand it anymore and have to text or call, and
then BAM, you’re feeling and acting desperate all over again.

Here is a great example of what handling this can do for you just like it did for one of my
clients, Rachel, who got back together with her ex.

Rachel writes, “Hey, Lori, I can’t thank you enough for helping me not go crazy! I say
that jokingly now, but when I read the first couple of chapters of your book and realized
that I had a bad problem with the thoughts that started with “what if,” it totally put me at
ease. See, my ex had left me to go back to his ex-girlfriend. He felt bad for her but said
he loved me. All I could do in the weeks to follow was think ‘what if?’

What if they are doing now all the things we used to do, places we used to go to, and
worse yet, what if he enjoyed sex with her more than with me? I knew how much I loved
him and knew that I had to do everything possible to get him back. That’s how I found
you. Being able to understand what was happening and not play the ‘what if’ game on
myself truly saved my sanity! It also saved my relationship with my ex.

We are back together, and to this day I still remind myself not to use the ‘what if’ game
when I feel upset or jealous. Thank you so much for getting inside my head.”

Just like Rachel, you can have this level of safety and comfort right now. All you have to
do is
remember that you do not have proof of these “what if,” scenarios. They are only
thoughts that you have made up that fuel the uncertain state you’ve been thrown into.
This means recognizing these thoughts for what they are—make believe. You have no
control over what is happening, how it’s happening, or what to do about it. Because it’s
NOT real!

Don’t allow yourself to view it any other way.

Relax into how good it feels not to be blindsided by this crap that was never true in the
first place. Like Rachel, you just saved yourself and your ex a whole lot of headache.
(Accusing your ex of scenarios that never happened can ruin your chances of a reunion,
so don’t do it! More importantly, don’t even think it!)

Don’t forget you are not alone. If you are really ready to get your ex back don’t wait
another minute, click here. http://www.attractyourexblueprint.com/attractyourex

Author's Bio: 

Lori Pinkerton
Attract Your Ex Blueprint™

Lori Pinkerton, Author, Speaker, and Relationship Expert, specializes in helping couples break through the cycle of make up – break up and the devastation that comes from not knowing how to repair a torn relationship. As founder and CEO of Attract Your Ex Blueprint™, Lori created this specialized blueprint to help couples find common ground, heal their break up and reignite the love and intimacy they once shared.

Her system personalizes proven scientific techniques that have been around for over 40 years and has helped thousands. Lori tailored these techniques in a concise, fun fashion that makes fixing relationships simple. Through her courses, couples discover what works, what is holding them back and how to communicate what they want and need.

This hard-working author, speaker, and coach is a gutsy woman who never wants to be the “guru” of anything. With her innovative process, she teaches individuals how to grab the advantage, influence their lover, rediscover themselves and use this power to create the relationship with their ex that produces lasting love.
