:Solutions for the E.M.F.-Stress:


In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the earliest known system of solutions was devised dealing with electromagnetic stress problems:

Feng shui is the term for patterns of disharmony caused by geopathic and energetic environmental stress. Some practitioners are trained in its diagnosis and treatment according to traditional oriental methods. These include the nine cures of feng shui. As you will see in the companion volume, Biofields: The New Physics of Health, all nine cures have a direct relation to the total electromagnetic field experienced in the human body. These nine factors, as outlined in Table 3, may be arranged to minimize stress.

:Nine-Cures of the Feng-Shui:

Light (e.g. mirror, crystal ball, lights): Light is an electromagnetic field (EMF).

Sound (wind chimes, bells, music): Sound produces EMF in the body through piezoelectricity.

Living objects (plants, flowers, aquarium): Living tissues emit physiological EMFs and absorb electrical fields.

Moving objects (mobile, windmill, fountain): Moving objects produce oscillating EMFs.

Heavy objects (stones, statues): Heavy objects absorb EMFs and often have piezoelectric properties due to their mineral content.

Electrically powered objects (air conditioner, stereo, TV): These emit 60 Hz EMF (or 50 Hz in many countries) and sometimes other frequencies as well, inducing electrical currents inside the body.

Symbols of peace and protection: Meaningful symbols harmonize the body's own EMF through imagery and stress reduction.

Color: Colors are composed of specific EMF frequencies in the visible octave of light, the most biologically significant octave.

Other materials (e.g. traditional Chinese treatments like colored ornamentation, chalk under the bed): These are materials which reflect or absorb certain EMF frequencies. For example, chalk contains m-state minerals that feed the spirit body even at a distance.

In addition to these historically proven approaches from oriental medicine, there are many modern strategies for eliminating, or at least reducing, the harmful effects of electromagnetic stress.

Helpfulness Ratings given in this section are based upon clinical experience with thousands of patients with electromagnetic stress problems. They are intended to provide a relative guide as to the probable helpfulness of each solution, based on such factors as cost and effectiveness for common or typical electromagnetic stress conditions. The range is from 10 (best) to 1 (least likely to be helpful). These ratings follow the possible solution, as in the following example: Bedroom EMF (10):

Moving or Elimination of the Field:


Bedroom EMF (10): This is usually the main source of the problem and usually the easiest to manage. You simply unplug and move all the electrical equipment away from your sleep place.

Radiation (8): If you live downstream or downwind from a nuclear installation or are exposed to low levels of radioactive pollution, you will be happy to know that N.A.S.A. researchers Rebecca McCaleb and B. C. Wolverton have achieved “impressive results in the use of alligatorweed, cattail reeds, and tomatoes in the de-contamination of radioactive soils and water.” Since Chernobyl, researchers have considered using lupines in contaminated areas, because they pull radioactive elements out of the soil. Disposal of the plants would have been the next problem to solve, so the final solution proposed was to irrigate the land with a Calcium solution. The Calcium binds the radioactive minerals, as it would in the human digestive system, and carries them down into the ground water, below the root systems of many crop plants.

Soil-Base-Organisms (S.B.O.): An even better solution was demonstrated by a pair of microbiologists who retired from academia to become farmers prior to Chernobyl. Their farm’s produce showed no trace of radiation while produce from other farms could not be eaten. What they had done was to build up the soil micro-organisms living in the humus on their farm. While these microscopic allies are typically destroyed by modern farm practices, the soil on their farm had millions of times more than that found on typical farms. Perhaps the explanation for the disappearance of the radioactive fallout is to be found in Professor Kervran’s classic treatise, Biological Transmutation of the Elements. In any case, a practical solution called EM1 is available for all of us thanks to Japanese research. EM stands for Effective (soil-based) Microorganisms. Research is now showing the benefits of the flora in both agriculture and medicine.

Work place (3): EMF exposure on the job often comes from wiring, fluorescent lights, VDTs and other electrical equipment. Make requests for needed changes and educate those in decision-making positions. Talking with co-workers about the problem may add strength in numbers, when others are experiencing electromagnetic stresses, too. It is in the employer’s interest, after all, to have healthy, happy, sharp, energetic employees who can achieve excellence in their work through the design of a low stress work environment.

Grounded Computer Glare Screens (3): These shields are grounded to prevent buildup of static electrical charges, while absorbing up to 99% of the electrical portion of the EMF. In addition, they reduce visual stress by eliminating glare and reflections, thus increasing contrast. Note, however, that they must be properly grounded to be effective. A plug tester can be obtained at hardware stores to check grounding as well as the correct polarity of wiring for all your electrical outlets.

Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) computer monitors (4): The information being projected on a typical cathode ray tube (CRT) computer screen can be detected and electronically decoded up to a quarter mile away. Liquid Crystal screens generally emit lower field levels than the standard CRT monitors. If they are used on the lap, as the unfortunate term “lap top” computer suggests, however, they actually produce more radiation exposure than the CRTs because of the proximity to the body.


Natural Fields (0): Moving naturally existing fields is possible, but only for a few months with existing methods. Since the fields tend to come back, this is not an effective long-term strategy. Since a lot of time, energy and money can be put into advice and devices to move the field, it is not generally desirable as a short approach. It is sometimes necessary in cases where no other immediate solution is effective alone, and the person cannot be moved out of the field.

Moving of the Person:

Man-made fields: The Office of Technology Assessment of the Congress of the U.S.A. recommends a policy of "prudent avoidance.”

Sleep place (3): It is usually not necessary move your bed due to man-made fields. It is easier to simply unplug and move all electrical devices away from the bed in most cases. The exception is when your bed is located too near a fuse box, high current power line or other relatively immovable EMF source. In the case of high-tension lines and substations, it is even necessary occasionally to move the individual to a different house entirely. This is because an entire house, or even an entire neighborhood, can be within the stress field.

Television (10): Time Magazine recommends sitting “at least 10 feet from the television set.” Also, by reducing the number of hours you watch per day, you decrease the chronicity of the exposure, and therefore, the associated risk goes down as well. Color television sets emit more EMF than do black and white sets, yet even the black and white TVs have been associated with 2.5 times the risk of leukemia among children.

Work place (9): Moving to a different work station away from the source or sources of electromagnetic pollution is often the only option available in the work place at present.

Natural fields (10): Moving the individual out of the way of harmful electromagnetic fields is the best solution in most cases. On their own, these fields tend to be fairly stable, since they are based on earth structures and resonance which do not typically change much on the human time scale.

Support for the Body-Energy-System:

The following supportive measures are compatible with the above means of eliminating the source of exposure to electromagnetic stress. The most effective approach usually combines eliminating the source, with specific short-term support of the body energy system.


Many devices have been developed to the body's natural defense mechanisms against stresses of all kinds. Some have been specifically designed to combat electromagnetic stress. The right ones for you depend on factors like your health, the kinds of EMF you are exposed to, and your budget. It is generally beneficial to use as many as possible of the following devices and products:

Natural fiber clothing (10): This is a worthwhile investment for anyone, avoiding the thousands of volts of static charge produced by the movement of synthetic fibers.

Green cotton (organic) futon mattress on a wood frame bed (10): This eliminates a common source of electromagnetic field variation in the sleeping place. Pesticide-free ‘green cotton’ is more expensive, but preferred, as cotton is the heaviest user of pesticides, which have radiation-mimicking effects. Bed springs and metallic frame components should be avoided.

Aranaire oxozone generator (10): These units supply both negative ions (see Negative ion generators) and oxozone, an energized form of oxygen with 4 atoms instead of 2. Unlike ozone generators that may oxidize nitrogen in producing triplet oxygen (ozone), the oxozone is produced by a unique corona discharge process, which produces no oxides of nitrogen. Studies that show toxicity from ozone have not controlled for oxides of nitrogen. When this factor is eliminated, up to 50 ppm of oxozone or ozone are found to be bio-compatible. Oxozone is at least 50% more oxidizing than ozone, breaking down organic toxins like formaldehyde into carbon dioxide and water, while inactivating airborne moulds, bacteria and viruses.

Negative ion generators (9): These provide a higher concentration of beneficial negative ions in the air. Harmful positive ions are removed through electromagnetic effects along with their associated particulate pollution. This includes allergens such as pollen, mold, mildew, odors, viruses, bacteria, chalk dust, hair and dander, etc. Some units allow the addition of natural extracts, such as anti-fungal grapefruit seed extract.

Ott Light Systems (9): The Ott light offers state of the art full spectrum lighting which simulates a solar spectrum. These lights are specifically designed to eliminate the electromagnetic stress caused by the imbalance within the visible spectrum emission of all standard incandescent and fluorescent lights. They also eliminate harmful frequencies outside the visible octave, by special built-in shielding and grounding. If you can't get Ott lights, you may be able to install your own shielding, using chicken wire over the whole fixture and lead tape over the starters at the ends of the bulbs, and then grounding all of this. The one limitation even with some full spectrum lights is that the light emitted is still going on and off at 60 Hz. Unfortunately, this is the threshold for visual flicker in the normal visual system. People with neurotoxins such as heavy metals or pesticides may be hypersensitive to flickering lights. Ott lights eliminate visual flicker stress by refreshing at a much higher rate.

Because flickering light also uses more nutrients in the retina, people with light sensitivity may experience increased symptoms in fluorescent light. Other support is then certainly needed, such as Vitamin A, carotenoids, B complex and Zinc. Another alternative for better indoor lighting is various balanced spectrum incandescent bulbs. Some of these use a purplish Neodymium coating inside the bulb, while others appear slightly blue. These lights do not contain the ultraviolet portion of the full solar spectrum, but do present a balanced visible spectrum of light for reduced electromagnetic stress.

QME Brain Shield (8): Invented by David Walker, the Brain Shield offers a new way to reduce the effects of electromagnetic fields.

Polarizers (8): Polarizers modulate and harmonize electromagnetic fields. This can dramatically reduce the degree of stress on the body systems. It is wise to combine the use of polarizers with other supports such as remedies tested specifically for the individual. Polarizers are available both as personal models worn on the body and larger units which affect an entire motor vehicle or an entire household's or office's circuitry when properly placed.

Subtle Energies electromagnetic field interrupters (8): These have produced very positive feedback by users who are sensitive to energy fields. They claim to work by emitting a neutralizing field, which acts in the space around the unit, canceling out the existing EMF through destructive interference.

12 volt direct current electrical systems (8): Direct current systems eliminate the 60 Hz fields which are a primary problem. Constant (non-oscillating) EMF is present with these systems however, when the current is on, although the degree of stress is much less. Note that when an inverter is added to a 12 volt system, 60 Hz oscillating current and fields are again present. Also, 12 volt fluorescent lighting produces a 120 Hz oscillation. For details on specific equipment available see catalogs such as Real Goods Trading Company, 1-800-762-7325, or your local 12 volt dealer.

Speaker phones (7): By moving the microphone and speaker away from your mouth and ear, you reduce the electromagnetic stress. This is especially important if you spend a lot of time on the phone.

Japan Life magnetic sleep system and other magnetic products (7): These products produce a neutral polarity constant magnetic field which helps to mask other interfering electromagnetic fields. There are several commonly encountered problems with the system and its imitators. In the long term, chronic problems can still result from underlying masked electromagnetic fields. Clinical experience has shown that, in many cases, the most effective use of such uniform neutral magnetic field systems is on a brief daily basis. A 20 to 30 minute nap or meditation period in such a field in a location free of geopathic and electromagnetic stress is the ideal.

Electronic protection devices (e.g. belt attachment) (7): These units provide beneficial electromagnetic fields, without metal in contact with the body.

Teslar watch (6): The simplest solution to the electromagnetic stress of quartz watches is not to wear them on the body. They can be carried in a purse or brief case. If you can find a manual stem wind watch or automatic (self-winding) watch, these are a good solution, too, except that you are still wearing metal on the body. The metal can act as an antenna, picking up and transmitting unwanted environmental frequencies to your body. This is true of the Teslar watches as well, the difference being that the Teslar watch also specifically produces an 8 Hz oscillation which is beneficial for most people. It is similar to one of the main components of the Schumann field, which is deficient in most of our indoor environments. The primary limitation of the Teslar watch is that it produces only this one frequency as compared to the broad spectrum rich in harmonics produced by the earth. That means even if you wear a Teslar watch, you should still get outdoors in a natural environment every day.

Non-heated water bed (5): While eliminating the severe problems associated with heating coils of most water beds, the presence of water as a conductive medium close to the body can still be a problem. It can amplify other existing electromagnetic fields.

Magnets: point magnets, bar magnets, magnet belt and magnetic jewelry (4): These magnetic devices work to stimulate the body's energy field or mask externally applied fields. Unfortunately they also can create other problems for those who still have amalgam fillings or other metal in the body. They can be an important and effective part of therapy when used in consultation with knowledgeable professionals. Medical use of magnets can be very helpful for those with no metal in the mouth, or on parts of the body away from the head.

Magnetic fields have powerful effects that not only vary at different frequencies, but also vary at the North and South poles of a static field. The poles differentially affect the pH, which is also called the magnetic factor. The North pole increases alkalinity, while the South pole increases acidity. This is the basis of static magnetic field therapies, whether using powerful bar magnets of 8,000 gauss to saturate an entire organ, or a tiny point magnet of 800 gauss to stimulate a single acupuncture point without inserting a needle. The stimulatory South pole especially should be used with caution as it can increase growth of tumors or of infectious organisms. Special caution is also indicated around the eyes and head, especially for prolonged exposure to large or high gauss fields.


In order to minimize the effects of electromagnetic pollution on your body, the foods to avoid include:

irradiated foods
processed and refined foods
fatty foods

After radioactive fallout, certain other foods should be avoided:

green leafy vegetables, because they catch the short term fallout
root vegetables and fruits from deep rooted trees, since they accumulate more of the long-lived fallout such as Cesium and Strontium
fresh water fish, since they absorb radioactive minerals easily due to the lack of other minerals that are present in sea water.

Some general EMF protective foods to emphasize in your diet include:

whole grains
fresh vegetables
beans, miso, tofu and tempeh
sea vegetables
seeds and nuts

Food factors, which can bind radioactive substances in the digestive tract and prevent absorption into the body, include:

iodine (being stockpiled by Japan, Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Poland, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Austria, Sweden, etc., but not America; also being smuggled into Antarctica despite overt ban on nuclear technology there) (e.g. found in kelp)
calcium (e.g. in Sango-Coral)
pectin and other fiber found in plant foods
phytates in seeds and grains
sodium alginate in sea vegetables
sulfur-bearing amino acids in onions, garlic, beans, eggs and cruciferous (cabbage family) vegetables, MSM, Glutathione, NAC, Alpha Lipoic Acid.
zybicolin in miso
clay (e.g. bentonite or a Calcium-rich bentonite called pascalite or EE-WAY-KEE: The Earth That Heals by the Native Americans)

When planning your diet, it is important to consider the effects of different foods on your pH, the magnetic factor. Research shows that when the pH is balanced or "neutral," there is less effect from radiation.

Specific supplements can be radioprotective:

Antioxidants (radical-scavenging properties of some natural compounds may explain radioprotective effects)
Melatonin (Radioprotective effect of melatonin assessed by measuring chromosomal damage in mitotic and meiotic cells. Mutat Res. 1999 Aug 18;444(2):367-72)
Silymarin (Milk Thistle) (Radioprotective effect of silymarin against radiation induced hepatotoxicity. Pharmacol Res. 2002 Jun;45(6):447. PMID: 12162944)
Vitamin C (also note negative interactions with copper) (Roles of vitamin C in radiation-induced DNA damage in presence and absence of copper. Chem Biol Interact. 2001 Jul 31;137(1):75-88)
Vitamin E & selenium & other antioxidants; food sources: nuts, wheat germ (Nutritional approaches to radioprotection: vitamin E. Mil Med. 2002 Feb;167(2 Suppl):57-9; Detailed Study of Anti-Oxidants - Lamson, MS, ND and Brignall, ND; The effect of selenium and/or vitamin E treatments on radiation-induced intestinal injury in rats. - Life Sci 2000 Apr 7;66)
Fats and fatty acids (Polyunsaturated fatty acids increase the sensitivity of 36B10 rat astrocytoma cells to radiation-induced cell kill. Lipids. 1997 Mar;32(3):283-92; Dietary eicosapentaenoic acid prevents systemic immunosuppression in mice induced by UVB radiation. Radiat Res. 2001 Jul;156(1):36-44; Dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids: impact on cancer chemotherapy and radiation. Altern Med Rev. 2002 Feb;7(1):4-21)
Phytochemicals (Attenuation of radiation-induced genomic instability by free radical scavengers and cellular proliferation. Free Radic Biol Med. 2001 Jul 1;31(1):10-9)
Abana (The herbal preparation abana protects against radiation-induced micronuclei in mouse bone marrow. Mutat Res. 1997 Sep 18;393(1-2):157-63; A review of cancer chemopreventive agents. Curr Med Chem. 2001 Sep;8(11):1349-62)
Basil (Ocium sanctum) (Protection against radiation-induced chromosome damage in mouse bone marrow by Ocimum sanctum. Mutat Res. 1997 Feb 3;373(2):271-6; Enhancement of bone marrow radioprotection and reduction of WR-2721 toxicity by Ocimum sanctum. Mutat Res. 1998 Feb 2;397(2):303-12)
Luteonlin - Food sources: Rooibos tea (Radioprotective effect of antioxidative flavonoids in gamma-ray irradiated mice - Carcinogenesis 1994 Nov;15)
Himalayan Mayapple, or Indian mandrake (not readily available) (Protection of mouse jejunum against lethal irradiation by Podophyllum hexandrum. Phytomedicine. 2001 Nov;8(6):413-22)
Mint (Mentha arvensis) (Influence of the leaf extract of Mentha arvensis Linn. (mint) on the survival of mice exposed to different doses of gamma radiation. Strahlenther Onkol. 2002 Feb;178(2):91-8)
Orientin and vicenin - Food sources: Passion Flower, Basil (Radiation protection by the ocimum flavonoids orientin and vicenin: mechanisms of action - Radiat Res 2000 Oct)
Spirulina (algae) contains chlorophyll, vitamins B12 and B6, high carotenoid levels (The adaptive potentials of those who worked in the cleanup of the aftermath of the accident at the Chernobyl Atomic Electric Power Station under the influence of different treatment methods Lik Sprava. 2000 Apr-Jun;(3-4):18-21; Radioprotective effect of extract from Spirulina platensis in mouse bone marrow cells studied by using the micronucleus test.
Toxicol Lett. 1989 Aug;48(2):165-9; The postradiation use of vitamin-containing complexes and a phycocyanin extract in a radiation lesion in rats Radiats Biol Radioecol. 2000 May-Jun;40(3):310-4. Russian)

Remedies for the Elimination and Protection:

ChemoRad-Shield (Chitosan & Humic-Acid Complex) (10): An effective strategy for combating exposure to radioactivity is ChemoRad Shield, which combines Chitosan with Humic and/or Fulvic Acids.

Chitosan (10): is a marine fiber derived by deacetylation of crab shell fiber. Sites on the fiber where acetyl groups have been removed by alternately washing with strong acid and alkali carry a strong positive electrical charge, opposite that found on plant fibers. This provides chitosan with unique properties for binding negative ions such as Chloride, as well as heavy metals, petrochemicals and radioactive particles. Subjects given Chitosan in the aftermath of Chernobyl were able to eliminate most of the radioactivity they had been exposed to in just a few weeks.

Humic and Fulvic acids (10) are derived from peat. Peat bogs collect organic plant material for thousands of years, and with the aid of sunlight, distill some very interesting carbon compounds. Humic acid is found to maintain the immune system at 85% efficiency when exposed to radiation and/or chemotherapy which normally suppresses immunity to about 15% effectiveness. Fulvic acid is a closely related mineral transporter.

M-state Minerals (10) replace these essential but subtle nutrients driven out of both our food and our bodies by exposure to oscillating E.M.F.

Remedies: Reduction of the Susceptibility-Factor

There is nowhere on earth that one can totally avoid the electromagnetic fields of modern culture, let alone those of nature. Because electromagnetic radiation is know to affect some people more than others, it is clearly beneficial to improve the overall performance of your biological system. This reduces your susceptibility to stress, damage and health risks. Susceptibility, for example to radiation induced leukemia, can be 12 times higher than normal for people such as:

pregnant women, infants and young children
people with allergies
heart patients
prematurely aging individuals
people with environmental sensitivities
people with psycho-emotional, psychosomatic or psychophysical (e.g. sensory) hypersensitivities
people with heavy metal toxicity
people with parasites or leaky gut syndrome

Essentially, young children are sensitive because their bodies are actively forming. The infirm are more sensitive because they are already coping poorly with the toxins present in their systems. Energizing those toxins even with non-ionizing radiation simply speeds up the degenerative processes.

Remedies are natural support substances or energies, which help to promote healthy regulation of the body's normal functions. The best remedy is always an individual matter determined not only by the stress but also by the state of the body and its resultant response to the imposed stress. The best approach therefore, is an individualized one that observes in detail the functional behavior patterns of the physiological system to be supported. Systematic approaches to this include oriental medicine, homeopathy and also modern Bio-Energetic Regulatory (BER) methods. BER incorporates many tools and concepts from earlier approaches to functional biological observation from both East and West. It is not limited to any philosophical framework or theoretical model. This allows the necessary flexibility to best analyze the interconnecting complexities of stresses found in today's population which run the gamut from EMF to chemical pollution to psychological stresses.

Energetic, nutritional and other individualized support based on Bio-energetic Regulatory testing (10): This is the best method of support because it addresses the unique problems and needs of each person. Nutrients and remedies protective against radiation that can be tested for individual effectiveness and tolerance include:

Vitamins: beta-carotene (pro-A), retinol (A), pyridoxine (B6), cobalamin (B12), pantothene (B5), inositol (B11), choline (B5), PABA (B5), bioflavonoids (P), ascorbate (C) and d-alpha-tocopherol (E)

Minerals: Bentonite clay (AlO2, etc.), Calcium (Ca), Chromium (Cr), Copper (Cu), Iodine (I), Iron (Fe), Magnesium (Mg), Manganese (Mn), Potassium (K), Selenium (Se) and Zinc (Zn)

Amino acids: Cysteine, sulfur bearing amino acids in aged garlic (SGP or Kyolic, grown in the rural north island of Hokkaido, Japan and manufactured in Hiroshima Prefecture by Wakunaga Pharmaceuticals), Histidine, MSM (sulfur bearing amino acid precursor), NAC and the three amino acid chain (tripeptide) Glutathione.

Enzymes: SOD, Glutathione Peroxidase.

RNA, and its breakdown product uric acid (a potent anti-oxidant).

Adaptogens: Panax ginseng (Panax quinquefolia), Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus), Maca (Lepidium meyenii), Royal Jelly, Flower Pollen (Cernilton from A.B. Cernelle in Sweden).

Flora: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Friendly-Flora, Effective Microbes.

Fiber: pectin, algin, kelp.

Essential Fatty Acids (EFA):

Squalene oil from shark liver is radioprotective (Storm HM, Oh SY, Kimler BF, et al. Radioprotection of mice by dietary squalene. Lipids. 1993;28:555-559)
Omega-3 fatty acids (alpha linolenic acid, EPA, DHA) from cold water fish like salmon, mackerel and herring.

Omega-6 fatty acids (linoleic acid, gamma linolenic acid, arachidonic acid) from seeds like sunflower, sesame and pumpkin, and oils like evening primrose, safflower, sunflower and linseed (flax).

Radiation Antitox (Apex Energetics) (9): This is an example of state of the art complex homeo-energetic formulation. Radiation Antitox is designed specifically to give support to those experiencing symptoms of electromagnetic stress. This complex helps to balance all of the acupuncture meridians. In cases of chronic electromagnetic stress, it is often combined with other complexes such as those for anti-oxidant protection, and restoration of cellular energy functions. Vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, plus zinc and selenium can be helpful partners as well. This remedy works to activate the immune system and energize the cellular metabolism. Radiation Antitox is with a composition of 52 ingredients.

Composition of the Radiation-Antitox:

Homeopathic (electromagnetically energized dilutions of herbs, minerals and other substances):

Aloe (herb)
Echinacea angustifolia (herb)
Echinacea purpurea (herb) Ferrum metallicum (mineral: iron)
Fucus vesiculosus (herb)
Jodum (mineral: iodine)
Kali phosphoricum (mineral: potassium; also a cell salt)
Lecithina (lecithin)
Phosphorus (mineral; also a cell salt)

Sarcodes (homeopathically derived glandular extracts from healthy organically raised animals):

Bone marrow
Hematopoetic tissue

Orthomolecular (nutritional) substances:

Vitamin A
Vitamin E

Gemmotherapy (extracted from buds or other highly active plant tissue, and used for the stimulation of drainage of toxins):

Ribes nigrum gemmae

Aulterra (9) is a homeopathically activated combination of natural paramagnetic and diamagnetic elements (m-state minerals). DNA researcher Dr. Maria Syldona's study concludes: "...the natural coherent energy emanating from Aulterra neutralized the incoherent energy from the man-made EMF, rendering it harmless to human DNA." (Dr. Maria Syldona, private conversation, June 12, 2001) A report on Aulterra-Neutralizer by bioelectromagnetic researcher Dr. Glen Rein is available. The Aulterra Neutralizer™ is the only product on the market with in vitro studies that prove human DNA can be protected from the damaging effects of EMF exposure. This author, Dr. Glen Swartwout (a.k.a the wizard) provided initial research on the special paramagnetic and diamagnetic clay used to make Aulterra and originated the concept of its homeopathic activation.

Electromagnetic Stress flower essence combination (9): The component flowers essences and their functions are:

Blackberry: overcoming energetic blockage and inertia
Dill: assimilating high frequency stimulation
Mariposa Lily: maintaining bonding with mother earth
Pink Yarrow: strengthening the body's energy field in relation to other interpenetrating electromagnetic fields
Self Heal: awakens blocked inner resources for balancing and healing
Trillium: clears base chakra of unrefined vibrations, which trigger survival programming (including sympathetic nervous system stress response).

Detoxosode Radiation (HoBoN) (9): This complex homeopathic remedy contains several ingredients helpful for support against ionizing radiation stresses. These ingredients include:

Aloe socotrina: an herb in the lily family
Diatomaceous earth: microscopic fossils of silica
Pectins from fruits
Sea vegetation: for alginate content

Feng Shui tea (9): This tea is a combination of traditional oriental herbs designed to help reduce the body's susceptibility to electromagnetic stresses. It is taken as a beverage over a period of several months. The constituents and their functions in oriental medicine are:

Chen Pi: regulates qi and prevents stagnation
Plantago: drains dampness and clears heat
Crataegus: for food stagnation and congealed blood
Polygonati: tonifies spleen and moistens lungs
Agastache: for dampness obstructing middle burner
Schizandra: astringent and for weak lungs and kidneys
Sophora: cools heat in liver and blood
Cortex Mori Alba: relieves cough and reduces edema
Peucedanum: relieves cough and expels phlegm
Areca: for qi stagnation and damp stagnation
Lili: moistens lung yin and calms the spirit
Perilla seeds: regulates lungs and moistens intestines (source of EFAs)

Smoky quartz (7) for radiation (x-ray): The gray, smoky variety of quartz is made by the absorption of radiation by clear quartz crystals in nature over thousands or millions of years. Some of the smoky quartz crystals now on the market are produced artificially by heat and do not have the same radiation absorption qualities. Research has investigated the use of this property in the elimination of residual electromagnetic stresses from tissues exposed to x-ray radiation, such as medical and dental x-rays. The point of the crystal is placed against the exposed area briefly until some relief in symptoms is noted. Alternatively, smoky quartz can be tested for effectiveness and compatibility in a bio-energetic testing protocol. It has been found that the crystal should be periodically exposed to red light in order to clear it for further use. In this way, effective use of the same crystal can be sustained over time.

Rhododendron multiple potency ampoule (4): This combination of several homeopathic potencies (carrier frequencies) of the rhododendron herb is worn to protect against electromagnetic stress.

Arteriosclerose nosode (Staufen-Pharma) (2): Physicians licensed to use nosodes may prescribe an individual potency or use a potency chord. This may be used on the basis of a homeopathic interview and/or a functional testing protocol.

Color and Light:

Color and light are intimately related to electromagnetic stress. The visible octave of the electromagnetic spectrum is the one to which we are most sensitive. Our ability to receive appropriate light information and energy stimuli from our environment is a key factor in the regulation of every cell in the body. Melatonin, the hormone produced by the pineal in response to the light/dark cycle, goes to every cell in the body. When regulated properly by environmental light, it is the most potent force known for longevity and prevention of cancer. Improperly regulated, it can promote cancer. Color has been shown to shift the balance of the autonomic nervous system, which innervates every organ in the body. This dual control system consists of the parasympathetic division and the sympathetic division. Imbalances in this system can be triggered by environmental stimuli such as EMF, artificial light and other stressors. The individual can also adapt to acute and chronic stresses in an attempt to maintain homeostasis. This adaptation is another major cause of because it interferes with the ability to respond optimallv even to a stress free environment. Note the types of dysfunctions, which are produced by imbalances in the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems as listed in the tables.

Symptoms of an Autonomic-Imbalance:


Some of the symptoms of relative parasympathetic, anabolic, centripetal (inward) hyperactivity are:

small pupils
wide eyes
one eye may turn inward (esophoria or esotropic strabismus)
eye strain with nausea and headache
puffy, droopy upper eyelid
low pressure (I.O.P.) in the eyes, but also glaucoma
congestion of sinuses, mucous membranes, bronchi
hay fever
excess salivation
excess hunger
excess secretion and motility of intestinal tract (hyperchlorhydria, pain, spastic constipation, diarrhea, incontinence)
enuresis, cystitis, irritable bladder
slow heart rate
low blood pressure
low blood sugar, but also diabetes
lack of sweating
eczema, itching (urticaria)
rheumatoid arthritis
low respiration rate
asthma, spasmodic laryngitis, croup
excess activity of: parathyroid, adrenal cortex, stomach, liver, pancreas, spleen, intestines.


Some symptoms of relative sympathetic, catabolic, centrifugal (outward) hyperactivity include:

large pupils
protruding eyeballs
retinal bleeding
dry eyes
upper eyelid raised
high pressure in the eyes
poor visual focusing
eye turns outward (exophoria or exotropia)
difficulty concentrating on close work
dry nose and throat
dry mouth
suppression of secretion, movement and digestion in gastrointestinal tract
catarrhal gastritis, gastric ulcer
typical (atonic) constipation due to decreased peristalsis
fast pulse
high blood pressure even before arteriosclerosis
angina pectoris, myocarditis
high blood sugar
goose bumps and cold sweaty skin
increased internal body heat
perspiration from palms, soles, underarms
decreased urination, dysuria
uterine cramps
excess activity of: thyroid, adrenal medulla, pituitary, gonads, muscles.

Color therapy (7): Color is one of the most direct and profound applications of electromagnetic energy for balancing and healing the entire body.

Syntonics is the optometric use of color through the eyes to improve visual health and fitness. If you experience problems with your eyes or vision that are not solved by the usual means, this is an excellent visual therapy to turn to. These frequently misunderstood problems often relate to poor or distorted ability to effectively receive the colors of the electromagnetic spectrum. Referral to the nearest qualified practitioner is available by contacting the College of Syntonic Optometry. If this therapy is not yet available in your area, locate the nearest behavioral optometrist for more traditional approaches to vision therapy through the Optometric Extension Program Foundation International or the College of Optometrists in Vision Development. The traditional vision therapy approaches have been shown to enhance color receptivity and discrimination when approached as a learning process rather than an exercise. Eye exercise per se has been associated in the research with actual decreases in light receptivity and integration.

Neurosensory Development is a method of color therapy utilizing the Lumatron instrument developed by Dr. John Downing.

Spectro-chrome is a system of color therapy developed by Dinshah in which the color is applied to the body rather than to the eyes.

Magenta is often indicated on the body in cases of electromagnetic stress. It is especially beneficial over the chest (heart) and low back (kidneys). It helps the body to minimize the circulatory effects of electromagnetic stress.

Night lights (3): If it is necessary to continue the use of a night light, or to use a flashlight during the night, then you should definitely use a red filter to eliminate suppression of pineal function.


Visualization: Imagine the source of stress becoming smaller and further away, while experiencing deepening breath with bodily relaxation.


:Prayer, Meditation & Contemplation: For the life of your soul is with your search for the truth and for the peace in your heart. For your fasting and prayer as your remedies are with the teaching of your Lord.

For my God is for ‘I am’. For the ‘I’ is as a [proper-] pronoun, and: ‘am’ is as a verb. For Our Lord as Him Self is: noun by any name and for His Verb is by His Being as the gift for our life.

Vision Therapy activities: Because vision is the dominant sense for humans, and because it is also our most sensitive electromagnetic reception system, increased development and flexibility of this system reduces the total electromagnetic stress.

Match your activity cycle to the sun: Sunlight out of synchronicity with the biological clock's rhythm becomes a major electromagnetic stress. This is a major problem for night and swing shift workers. It is also a major element of jet lag. Keeping a regular activity cycle each day is very helpful.


:Resonance with the Transmitter by the Receiver:

As another example of the kind of interactions that may take place, one patient's problems did not resolve until an interaction between a watch and a ring was identified as the source. The ring had a large crystal, which picked up the oscillation frequency of the quartz crystal in the watch. The metal of the ring then conducted that resonance to the two meridians on the ring finger: those for the endocrine system and for processes of organ degeneration and emotion.

Several analogies can help illustrate this principal of energy transfer through resonance. One example is that if you hold a bare fluorescent light bulb, without any wires or fixture, near power transmission lines, it will actually light up. Another example that can be experienced is that if you have two string instruments or tuning forks, which are in tune with each other, you can sound a tone on one of them, with the other a distance away. Now stop the vibration producing the tone on the first instrument. You will be able to hear and feel the vibration of the second instrument. Today, of course, we are all so familiar with electronic communications that we almost take the concept for granted. Think for a moment, however, about your radio, your TV, your cell phone, the satellite link for a long distance phone call or a cable TV show from a distant city, your remote controls for TV and VCR, etc. All of these common devices of the information age operate on the same principle. The first radios were crystal sets. A crystal was caused to resonate by electromagnetic radiation in the radio wave region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The rest of the spectrum, and the rest of the universe, operate no differently.

Ongoing research on Electromagnetic Stresses and Solutions is being carried out by the Remission Foundation as well as a small number of other, mostly private research organizations and clinics like the Hawai’i Center for Natural Medicine.

next: Electromagnetism-Stress: Research

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Glen originally published Electromagnetic Pollution Solutions in 1989.