Using the best remote deposition technology is extremely important as it makes it much easier for the person being deposed to be heard and seen with greater detail and increased accuracy. These new technologies offer a copy of the video stream in MPEG4 format and connect mobile devices, computers, and video conferencing platforms. The advanced technology is also capable of maintaining a quality stream even with bandwidth levels that fluctuate.

When you are ready to perform a remote deposition, you will be in charge of creating valuable and reliable documentation that can be used in many different scenarios or mediation meetings. With the right tools, you can pull off the most successful depositions and court documents from any remote location.

If you are interested in learning more about the latest technologies associated with remote depositions, call the office of Jilio-Ryan today. We have the answers you are looking for and will ensure that you are getting the most advanced and accurate depositions possible.

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Author's Bio: 

Colleen Jilio-Ryan is the Owner of Jilio-Ryan, a Tustin based premiere law consulting firm. The firm along with its certified court reporters is dedicated to providing the highest quality deposition and litigation services to attorneys, insurance companies, and corporations. With her sincere efforts, Colleen is committed to meeting the highest standards of the legal industry, and is an industry leader when it comes to on-time court reporting and deposition scheduling.