Eduvanz is an innovative financial institution that has brought a revolution in the Indian market by providing low education loan interest rate. Not all the Indian financial institutions provide educational loan only for professional courses. Unlike them, Eduvanz has been the pioneer to providing loans to the students for developing their skill sets in skill-based courses.

What is a student loan?

A loan which is lent to a student from any financial institution so that they can pay for their education fees in certain professional courses like engineering, medicine, etc. Eduvanz is known for offering the best student loan services as its loan appraisal does not only include the professional courses of engineering and medicine but also includes other technical courses like Finance, Investment Banking, Nursing, Analytics, Retail Banking, Exam Preparatory courses, and other skill-based training.

Why eduvanz?

Eduvanz is the best students’ loan providing non-banking institution in India. They provide the students with educational loans rate with zero percent interest rates. They aim at securing the future of the student by empowering them with education at various skill training institutions that have partnered with Eduvanz.

The financial loans at any other banking institutions come with a serious disadvantage that they do not consider the skill-based training as a part of the educational loan and they also require a collateral to be submitted to acquire a loan. But Eduvanz provides loan for the career development of the students and help them excel in their life.

Best Low-Interest Loans at Eduvanz:
A financial constraint must never be there
ason to compromise the education, Edvanz beliefs in empowering students through educations and providing financial assistance at a low educational loan interest rate based on the student's requirement.

How to apply for a Loan?

Applying for a loan at a bank or other nonbanking organization can be a tedious process as all of them include a complex application and documents included in them. Thus eduvanz has removed these complex steps making the loan appraisal easy and efficient by providing low educational loan interest rate.

Eduvanz provides a hassle-free banking solution wherein the process is quick and very efficient. Any Indian citizen at the age group of 18 to 60 years can apply for a loan to pursue a skill-based training in an institution recognized by Eduvanz. The applicant may have a guardian or a co-borrower included in the loan appraisal process. The entire loan process is done online and there is no need for collateral. This completely digitalized process is monitored by an artificial intelligence based algorithmic procedure that instantly analyses the person’s financial, economic and social data. This predictive analysis helps to strengthen the loan appraisal process and provide instant approval. Their educational loan rate of interest is very low compared to other institutions.

Eduavnz provides up to a zero percent education loan interest rate to people who have applied for a loan in training their skill set. They provide unbiased financial assistance to students of different backgrounds to enhance their skill sets through various certification courses and vocational training in the best of institutions that are partnered with this firm.

Author's Bio: 

Eduvanz is an innovative financial institution that has brought a revolution in the Indian market by providing low education loan interest rate. Not all the Indian financial institutions provide educational loan only for professional courses. Unlike them, Eduvanz has been the pioneer in providing loans to the students for developing their skill sets in skill-based courses.