Surprisingly enough, if you want to lose weight you have to eat. Why? Because if you are not eating enough, your body clicks in to starvation mode and starts hanging on to every calorie you consume. Of course you have to be careful not to get the wrong idea, as this does not mean that you can head out to your local burger joint and order a half pound burger smothered in mayo and cheese served with a gallon of Coke and two pounds of greasy French fries and expect to weigh ten pounds less in the morning. Sadly, there is no diet that can do that for you.

Here is the good news – you can eat well, feel full, and still lose weight! Want to know how that is possible? Super foods!

What are super foods?

Super foods are some of those foods that you already are eating – or at least know that you should be. They fall into the realm of healthy eating. But their health benefits go beyond the low fat and low calorie nutrients that they contain. Super foods also contain phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are special ingredients that are found in foods that give them an extra boost of nutrition. They can be ingredients that help you to stay feeling full for longer periods of time, foods that help boost your metabolism so that you burn calories more efficiently, and other methods of improving your weight loss efforts.

Here are some of the foods that you can consider reaching for next time you get the munchies. Not only are they more nutritious than cakes, cookies, and cheeseburgers, but you can eat more of them and still see the pounds melt away.

Some common super foods

You might be surprised at what some of the best super foods are. Here is a look at some that you may even have in your fridge or cupboard right now and what they contain:

• Apples – antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fiber
• Beans – protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals
• Broccoli – fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals
• Olive oil – fatty acids
• Salmon – protein, fatty acids
• Tea – antioxidants
• Wholegrain seeded bread – fiber, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals

Breaking it down

So what do all of these ingredients mean? Here is a look at some of the phytonutrients that are found in super foods and how they can help you.

Fiber is a key ingredient when it comes to weight loss. Foods that are loaded with fiber move more slowly through the digestive system, so you feel fuller longer. This means fewer high calorie snacks throughout the day, making it easier to lose weight. Fiber can also keep your digestive system moving properly, allowing you to avoid uncomfortable constipation.


Protein is another ingredient that takes more time to work its way through your digestive system, so a diet rich in protein will help you to keep the munchies at bay. Plus, every good diet should be accompanied by an exercise program. Exercise wears on your muscles, which need protein to rebuild. You need to make sure that you get enough protein in your diet so that everything continues to function smoothly.

One problem with protein is that it is often accompanied by fat, and eating too much fat will obviously impair your weight loss efforts. That is why super foods that are used as a protein source also happen to be lower in fat and/or contain the good fats that your body needs to keep everything moving properly.


Some people credit the good health of many Europeans to be due to the fact that they indulge in a daily glass of wine. But it is not the alcohol that is keeping them young and healthy, but rather the antioxidants found in the grapes. Antioxidants work to repair damage in the body. They can flush out impurities and toxins, giving you renewed youth and health.

Fatty acids

Strange as it may sound, particularly if you are overweight and battling man boobs or a beer gut, the body does need fats. Fatty acids like Omega 3s are actually good fats. They help to lower high cholesterol and high blood pressure, helping to reduce the strain on the heart and lowering your susceptibility to heart attack and stroke. Your brain also needs fatty acids to continue to function properly.

Why super foods are so great

If you go back to the basic list of super foods, you will see that all of them contain one or more of the phytonutrients that are so important to health. Using these foods as a meal on their own, or using them in place of less healthy alternatives, is the key to seeing a reduction in your weight and your body fat percentages which may also cure a social anxiety.

The great thing about it is that super foods are easy to add into your diet. Apples, for instance, are rich in vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants. Plus they have the added benefit of being extremely portable. So you can take one with you for breakfast on the go, pack one in your lunch for a serving of fruit, or use it as an afternoon snack to avoid a run to the vending machine or your closest fast food joint.

Whole grain seeded breads are another easy super food to add to your diet. Enjoy some toast for breakfast? Make it whole grain. Eat a sandwich for lunch? Use whole grain seeded bread instead of white. Want some bread to dunk in that bowl of vegetable soup for dinner? Choose a whole grain variety. Even small steps can help get you to better overall health.

You can do this for all of your meals. Substitute one night of fatty red meat for some grilled salmon. Instead of French fries and ketchup reach for some fresh broccoli and a low calorie dressing. With a little practice you will find that these foods are just as delicious as and even more filling than their less nutritious counterparts.

Author's Bio: 

The author Charles Chang is also the publisher of the website He founded the website after being diagnosed with gynecomastia, a medical condition more commonly known as “man boobs.” Chang’s goal is to provide support and education for other men dealing with this embarrassing health issue so that they can reduce the weight and improve their health.