Easter is here, it’s my favourite time of the year. I love eating the chocolate eggs, it’s also the only time I eat chocolate as I find it very sweet. The one other thing that I like about Easter is buying a cute soft toy which usually is a bunny rabbit or a little chick.

Every year, during Easter I volunteer at my local church to help organise an Easter fair to raise money. All the money raised this year will be put towards renovating our local community centre as it’s become old and falling apart.

There is a lot to do for the Easter fair so I asked my family and friends to help, the more people we have involved the quicker we can organise everything. Each person is handed out a task, so it’s their responsibility to make sure it’s done on time but as I’m the organiser I would have to do all the checking before we open the gates to the public.

I’ll have to buy lunch food as well as snacks for afterwards; I also have to buy sweets to hand out as prizes when a child plays at the game stalls. The sweets are for those children who take part but don’t win, it’s nice way to make them smile.

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