Smoking is a harmful habit and is one of the biggest causes of deaths around the world. For a very long time, quitting smoking had been the only alternative, but today with the arrival of e-cigarettes there are other choices as well. Here are numerous e- cigarette reviews which can assist in picking the best e-cig.

Smoking can be detrimental in causing numerous fatal diseases varying from lung cancer to mouth cancer and can also badly affect the body in a number of different ways. Almost anyone who is a chain smoker or a regular smoker, resolves every once in a while to quit this nasty habit. However, this never happens as the body of the smoker craves for a daily dose making it hard to keep up with the commitment.

Now, nicotine is very much like caffeine. In little quantities, it does almost no harm and just works as a pick-me-up. The trouble begins when the content of the tobacco, carbon monoxide, coal, and other hundreds of toxic chemicals go inside the body. These are the things which cause harm.
This is exactly where e-cigarette reviews assist a smoker in selecting the best e-cigs. They allow the smoke to get that much-required nicotine hit, without burning his life away along with the money.


There are several e-cigs that are available in the market; all of these are battery operated and offer a nicotine hit through very small nicotine packets that disperse nicotine into the body. What has to be noted here in the reviews is the battery life of the e-cig, the flavors offered and the recharging options.

* The South Beach Smoke E-Cig is the newest entry in the market and provides a host of flavors. It has a good battery life and is sleek (very similar to the normal fag sticks). This cig also has a modifiable nicotine intake that can range from 0-18 mg.
* Blu E-Cig offers a variety of flavors and a distinctive way to keep the e-cig charged with the help of a cigarette box which acts like a charger when you store the e-cig in it. These also come with an added attraction providing a tobacco flavored cigarette for those who like the taste of tobacco.
* Green Smoke E-Cig has a design which appeals to the preservationists, with ergonomics which are environmentally safe, although the battery life may be a little less.
* White Cloud E-Cigs provide the most realistic experience of smoking with proper smoke like vapors which are nothing like the wispy vapors that come out of the other e-Cigs.
* SmokeStik E-Cigs is basically an attempt to make a similar but improved twin of the paper and filter cigarettes and has an outstanding battery life.
* The Cigarti E-Cig is for the conscious smoker who is reluctant to suck on a plastic toy. These e-Cigs are sleek and offer outstanding flavor options.

The e-cigarette reviews offered above have only explored the tip of the iceberg; there are several other types of e-cigarettes that come with different features. However, the e-cigs mentioned earlier, are the fundamentals of what you can look for or get from an e-cig.

Author's Bio: provides you the best E-Cig Reviews, which can help to quit from smoking.