With all the viewing options facing movie fans these days, DVD sales are slowly falling by the wayside. They are slowly being seen as outdated technology along the bleeding edge of tech enthusiasts, a slowly dying physical representation of virtual data. The tech savvy movie fan can use Netflix, Hulu, Blockbuster, Redbox, stream illegal movies, or even download pirated movies. Between these options it is possible to download, watch, rent, or stream virtually any movie. It really doesn’t take much know how either. If determined, anyone with just a little bit of computer skill and internet awareness can find nearly any movie, at any time. With all these plethora of abundant options, why in this day and age would anyone prefer to spend ten dollars per DVD? There are, surprisingly, a few good reasons to actually buy DVDs.

Probably the most common reasons for people to buy DVDs is for the same reason other people still buy books when libraries abound. After all, people have been buying books long since libraries became prolific. Simply said, it is human nature to collect things. We are, for the most part, material beings. We enjoy collecting what we are passionate about, and having a physical representation of that passion. It is a visceral feeling when a die-hard fan can point at his collection and say ‘I love something this much’. It can go beyond bragging rights as well, although that undeniably plays a factor. Any collector prizes his collection much more than for simple bragging rights. It is a large part of their character, of their being. They see it as an extension of themselves. Even the mildest of collectors is very protective of his collection. They love their collection.

Love is another reason people buy DVDs. When someone loves a movie enough, it is only natural to want to own it, and have it near at hand. Everyone’s found movies like this. Movies they could watch a thousand thousand times. People call them the classics, and if they are near and dear enough to the heart, it only makes sense to show that love buy purchasing the DVD. Then, the option is always there to go back and watch again the movie at any time. It is comforting to know that favorite DVD is always at hand and available, whether for enjoyment, comfort, or just another movie night.

Another reason to buy DVDs is to show support for actors, directors, or Hollywood in general. A surprisingly large portion of profits for Hollywood come from DVD sales. Sure, a lot of emphasis is placed on theater release and sales, but DVDs are nearly as important financially. It is only natural then, when wishing to show ones support, to buy a DVD of an actor, director, or even movie in general which you wish to support.

A final reason to buy DVDs is for all the extras not found anywhere else. Rental DVDs have officially cut out all bonus footage, and they can’t be found by pirating. So whether to own a collection, for love of a movie, or as support for actors, directors, or Hollywood movies in general, there are plenty of reasons to buy DVDs .

Author's Bio: 

Zack Mandell is a movie enthusiast and owner of movieroomreviews.com. He writes extensively about the movie industry for sites such as Gossip Center, Yahoo, NowPublic, and Helium.