The million dollar question from women is “how can I improve my sex drive”?

The million dollar question from men is “how can I improve my sexual performance”?

There are some very simple steps you can take and in a very short time, the benefits are yours.
The most important step is to enjoy all of life more slowly. When our schedules are full we become distracted by our outer world – even manipulated by our outer world. Our intimacy is an internal experience. We have to breathe in the fullness of life deeply and then we connect with ourselves and our partners more completely.
This is what the testosterone pellets that we place under the skin look like

This is what the testosterone pellets that we place under the skin look like

Another important part of the million dollar question is circulation. Circulation is critical for cellular health.

* Exercise increases circulation.
* Circulation improves with a good night’s sleep.
* With less stress, our circulation is greater.

As we increase our exercise, sleep better and feel overall more relaxed our stress level will naturally be lower and yes, our sleep improves and our sex drive and function also improves. All things are indeed connected. There are also supplements we can take to increase circulation like Muscle Max (which is a type of L-Arginine) and B12 (as it helps reduce stress and stimulates healthy nerves).

There is one very important therapy that I prescribe to several patients daily that not only enhances both sexual function and desire for both men and women – it also prevents many age related concerns (like osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, poor body composition, fatigue and pain). This therapy is testosterone replacement therapy. I prescribe it in a few different forms – always bio-identical (meaning that it is identical to the hormone we made abundantly in our twenties). Specifically for sexual enhancement it is prescribed as a pellet that goes under your skin. Women get them on average every 3-4 months and men on average every 6 months. The reason people choose this method over the creams is because the testosterone level is felt stronger and sooner and it is one less thing they have to remember to take on a daily basis. Another way to obtain testosterone is through a weekly injection.

Lastly – there are herbs that enhance libido. The most popular one is Yohimbe. The active ingredient of the pausinystalia yohimbe species grown in West Africa is the alkaloid yohimbine. It is considered an aphrodisiac. Yohimbine relaxes and dilates all blood vessels, including to the penis and the clitoris and stimulates areas in the brain involved in sexual desire (there are five areas that have been identified with sexual arousal). Unfortunately yohimbine has potential side effects of developing high blood pressure, wakefulness or anxiety. This is the downside of using botanical medicine instead of bio-identical medicine.

We all desire and deserve to feel sexy as we age – why not do it safely and benefit in more ways than just one?

Author's Bio: 

Theresa Ramsey, NMD is a practicing physician, speaker, lifestyle expert, author of the best selling book, Healing 101: A Guide to Creating the Foundation for Complete Wellness & a weekly guest expert on Channel 3 TV’s Your Life A to Z. Dr. Ramsey has been nominated Phoenix Magazine’s Top Doc for 2 years in a row. She elegantly bridges the gap between Allopathic & Naturopathic medicine. She is a nationally recognized speaker educating patients & physicians on the language of wellness and root causes to illness & dis-ease., 888.970.0077