In this article, I will discuss what an avatar is and how you can create a free avatar using awesome online tools. Avatars you create using this tool can be shared anywhere and everywhere you like.

People are asking, what is an avatar and why do we use them?

If you're new to the web, avatars are basically profile images you use on social networking sites, chat rooms, forums and on websites to be recognized. An avatar could be a formal photo of yours or perhaps a candid snapshot. It could also be any object, person, or drawing. In my website, I use a picture of me, but it's just not any picture; it is actually a digitally-rendered image of my professional photo. The reason why I prefer to use avatars is because I do not trust the internet fully-- I know there are bullies and dangerous people online so I'd like to protect my identity (starting with my face, of course) with realistic looking, cartoon avatars.

What people may see on my Facebook and Twitter might not be the real me, but they do know there is a real person on the other end because my avatar is not strange or too common, in fact, my avatar has been distinct from the rest because I created it to look exactly like me.

The uses of an avatar

You can use an avatar everywhere and anywhere you like for millions of reasons. Parents, for one, use avatars to protect their children's identity. Instead of posting a picture of their children, they tend to create cartoon avatars instead. Businessmen are avid of avatars as well but they use theirs to further their commercial interests. Some use avatars for personal branding while others use avatars to shamelessly advertise a product or service. The most important use of an avatar does not end there though; you may also use avatars to show the world you who really are without having to bare your face online.

Can I create my own avatar?

Absolutely! Creating avatars is fun and the best kind of service should give you the opportunity to create a free avatar without having to pay or download anything before hand. You can create avatars by downloading programs such as Adobe Photoshop and other painting and drawing tool. Bear in mind that the size of most avatars is 60x60 centimeters, so if you were to make one, make sure it is of the right size.

Where is the best place to create a free avatar online?

So you might be interested in creating your very own avatar-- good for you! You can get started by checking out this hip and free avatar creation website, []. It is a very powerful online resource that will help you create the most stunning avatars. Create a free avatar today and share it with your friends.

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