A well-designed website is a valuable investment that will generate revenue for your business—but most people say they won't explore a website if they find it unattractive. Are you considering a website design and development in the next 12 months? Want to know the best practices you should follow for a successful business website in 2021.

Follow these best practices as you update your website.

Target Audience
Do optimize your website for search engines
Websites that don't rank well on Google SERP and other search engines have very little chance of breaking through the noise. As you update your website and add new pages, images make sure you're following the most recent SEO guidelines. Your page titles, meta descriptions, and content are all important players in driving better search signals.

Don’t ignore the users
Always keep your target audience in mind. Your point-of-view, as a professional, might be very different from that of the user. Pretend you're visiting your website with fresh eyes. Walkthrough the user's journey as they explore different pages. Focusing on this experience will help you create a user-friendly website.

Make it responsive
Do optimize for mobile
In the present society, an ever-increasing number of individuals are perusing and shopping on mobile devices, and anticipate that website development should be completely responsive to the mobile experience. The greatest standard while enhancing your website for mobile is guaranteeing that when the user is on your website, all basic data is shown effectively and easily accessible to the user.

Don’t forget to test the functionality
Guaranteeing your website design in Dubai looks great on desktop, tablet and mobile devices are not enough. Testing the functionality of your design is crucial. Because your website is intended for a mobile responsive stage doesn't mean it will look extraordinary on each phone or tablet. Test the website on your mobile devices and double-check the look and feel of the overall design. Sometimes websites need to be tweaked on mobile to improve the user experience.

Do keep it consistent
All through the whole website, one of the top tips to recollect is to ensure the design is consistent overall. The look and feel should be steady across the website pages. This includes colour schemes, typefaces and the style of imagery. Following these rules will visually satisfy the user and ensure their experience on your website is a good one.

Don’t use too many typefaces or colours
At the point when you begin to design a website, it's in every case great to restrict yourself to the number of typefaces you use. Restricting yourself to a limit of 2 to 3 typefaces is the suggested amount. Including more than the recommended amount will make the website become distracting and confusing for the user. It’s always good to avoid using too many colours in your design. Shading has meaning and passes on feelings and emotions. Generally, the colour picked for a brand has a more profound significance and message. Using an excessive number of colours on your website would be like trying to portray a million feelings and mixed messages all at once. This can turn out to be confusing to users and it is best to keep your colour pallet limited throughout your website.

Take Content Seriously
Content is just as important as the design of your website. Even if your website is beautifully designed it’s no more than an empty column or box without good content; a good website has both good design and great content.

Don’t make users wait for content to load
Loading time is extremely important for user experience. As technology grows, we get more impatient, and today most users expect a website page to load in two seconds or less. If your website page takes more time to load, visitors might become frustrated and leave the website. That’s why speed should be the priority when developing a website.

Minimize the Number of choices
The number of choices users have affects their decision; the more choices they have, the less action they take. When you present your user with too many options, you make them think too much. To increase chances for interaction, it’s better to minimize the number of choices.

Don’t use the horizontal scroll
Users often have no idea they can discover content by scrolling horizontally. Most of the users are normally scrolling down on websites and don’t usually look left and right. As a result, they simply ignore content accessible through horizontal scrolling.

Test Your Website
Do always have the user in mind
It’s all about the user journey and experience. You may have a web design in Dubai that you think is fantastic, but without feedback from users, you will never know how effective it is. You need to see how users react to it. A successful website is one that is easy-to-use and clearly mapped out for the visitor. Ensuring this is the main focal point when designing your website is essential.

Don’t forget to test
Once everything has been completed on your website the next stage is to take it for a test drive. Making sure everything is working properly is critical before you launched your new website. When testing your website think like a user or customer. Imagine different scenarios the user will take on your website to ensure you don’t miss any critical bugs or performance issues. It is also good to remember to test your website on different platforms and devices.

If you would like to find out more about Zapio's website development in Dubai and developing services or interested in other software development services in Dubai, contact us today. Zapio Technology will upgrade your website and maximise your visibility. For any inquiry, drop an email at info@zapiotech.com or contact today at +971 52 708 1010.

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