So many people settle and use resume templates (aka cookie-cutter resumes) because all they have to do is plug in their info. The one thing they don’t realize is that employers are looking for more than just basic info.

Employers want to know what value you bring to the table, how you contributed to companies you worked for in the past, and what contributions you’ve made for your current employer so far.

A resume template doesn’t guide you on how to include this kind of information in your resume. You’re unique, and likewise, your resume should be too.

An employer’s time is valuable and limited. Going through countless resumes with the bulk of them not having the kind of information they’re looking for is not only daunting, but it gets old fast.

If your resume doesn’t grab their attention quick, they have no problem tossing it out.

Employers appreciate candidates who know what they have to offer and they’ve taken the time to go beyond submitting a template. So is it really worth hiring a resume writer? Yes, if you want to land interviews.

There are a lot of people who think hiring a resume writer is a big waste of time and money. If you’re one of these people, please keep reading. I promise it’s well worth your time.

Resume writers who are committed to their field are also committed to seeing their clients get results from their work together. The resumes they write go WAY beyond listing your present and past employers and including a laundry list of your core duties and responsibilities. Expert resume writers don’t use boring resume templates either.

Again, if your resume doesn’t grab attention quick, employers have no problem tossing it out. Why? Because there’s a pile of other resumes on their desk waiting to be reviewed.

Employers wade through the “fluff” resumes and focus on the ones that present value and are achievement based. Template or cookie-cutter resumes, starting off with the infamous objective statement, or making general fluff statements like “possess excellent communication skills,” “fast learner,” “team player,” etc. doesn’t cut it.

Your resume needs to demonstrate your value, emphasize your skills and abilities, and include career achievements and contributions you’ve made to present and past employers.

Career achievements are key because they reveal your strengths in so many areas like problem solving, project management, time management, team leadership, employee relations, and communicating effectively just to name a few.

One thing to keep in mind though and that is any achievement you mention in your resume you must also be able to support. Anyone can claim to have achieved great things, but not everyone can support or prove that they actually did them. Be prepared to support your claim!

Now that you know what goes into a well-written resume and what motivates potential employers to put you in the “keep pile,” does your resume meet the criteria? If not, seriously consider working with a resume writing expert who does.

How to Choose the Right Resume Writer:

  • Do Your Homework — There are thousands of career service professionals out there who provide resume writing services. But not all resume writers are created equal. If a writer claims to be a certified, verify it. Unfortunately, there are some dishonest people out there claiming to be credentialed when in fact they’re not.
  • Check Out Their Website — Find out to see if they specialize in your field or industry. Look for testimonials attesting to the quality of their work and how they’ve made a difference for their clients.
  • Contact at Least 3 Resume Writers — Based on your research and conversations, you’ll have a better understanding of how each writer can help you and if they’re a “good fit” or not. It also puts you in a position to make a well-informed decision.

Hiring a resume writer is worth it because you’re doing more than just hiring someone type up your resume or do simple updates. You’re investing in you, your career, and an opportunity to land interviews for positions that you know will prove to be personally and financially rewarding.

Author's Bio: 

Maria Hebda, CCMC... Connect, attract, and nurture.

The Career Experts is a home for career coaches and resume writers who are committed to their profession and want to share their industry expertise with job seekers who need their career expert advice, guidance, and who can provide them with quality career services.

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