Yes! Marriage counseling works. However, is seeking professional marriage counseling necessary?

Some people would recommend marriage counseling. Most often advise marriage counseling is not necessary.

What is indeed marriage counseling? How does marriage counseling work?

Most urge to discuss marital problems with the people directly involved in the problem. The advice is definitely correct. You and involved person should personally discuss and solve problems. Nothing is better than it.

However, directly dealing with problems alone is incomplete. You still need to consult people not directly involved in the problem. Any problem needs objective understanding to find the best solution. Talking with people outside the problem is the best way to understand the problem.

In either way, marriage counseling works with or without all the people involved in the problem. Discussing and understanding a problem are two of the marriage counseling processes. The whole effective communication process is part and tool of marriage counseling. Releasing emotional tensions related with the marital problem is another marriage counseling process. Finding the best marriage solution is another process.

Anybody could practice all these marriage counseling process. Any couple would not need any professional marriage counselor. Any couple, therefore, would not need any professional marriage counseling anymore. However, any couple should still consult other people to clearly understand marital problems and find the best solution. They cannot necessarily be professional psychologist, psychiatrist and counselors. They could be your parents, siblings, friends, relatives, officemates, and colleagues. They can even be anyone not involved in the marital problem. What is important, these people could give you an objective assessment of your marital problem.

Though people involved in the marital problem are the best people to solve problems, they are not always the best people. These people are not the best problem solvers when they are emotionally attached with the problem. Therefore, involve both people related and not related with the problem. So, does marriage counseling work? Yes!

“Keep your ring and be Always
Happily Married! It is not only easier; it is what you pledged to and
be celebrated” -
Norman Csarni - Founder of Build My Marriage

Author's Bio: 

Norman Csarni grew up in Hungary, a communist dominated country. He was 25 years old when he came to the U.S. in 2000, and like many of his predecessors before him, he was in pursuit of the “American dream”. As he passed by the Statue of Liberty, the tears welled up in his eyes as his mind filled with hope for a better life for him and his bride, Victoria.

Norman and Victoria struggled through many hardships as newlyweds in a strange country, but through these difficulties they forged a healthy and happy marriage. Norman may not have a string of degrees to impress you with, but by working through his own marital difficulties and experiences, he wholeheartedly wants to help others keep their marriage alive. He created this website as his personal mission to improve the national “Successful Marriage” ratio.

Successful marriages require not only skill but a lot of hard work. Norman has done an extraordinary amount of research into the field of marriage as well as using his own experiences to provide you with helpful tips, funny videos, rate yourself tests and blogging capabilities on this website.

Norman and Victoria have been happily married 10 years and have two lovely children. They want to help you do the same.