Depression is the less/ non responding ability of the brain. Due to the effect of drugs or extreme tension the brain tends to lose its response to stimuli property as a result of this the person persists to remain in its own thought and deep grief. Since the responsiveness of the brain is effected it is difficult for the brain to express gratitude or happiness and therefore to overcome this patient is advised some therapies and counseling for depression. These therapies and counseling are suggested but the doctors and psychologists.

In certain cases of loss of fame, love, money, career or dear ones, the patient loses interest in the world and fails to express joy or respond to it. Depression though was earlier considered to be common in the age group of later 45-50 and thus people used to think that depression is dependent on the age but the current statistics find that depression can be noticed not only in the school students but also in the middle aged men. This is so because the studies, peer pressure or the tender attractions at young ages whereas target and boss pressures, economic problems or family pressure on middle aged men make it difficult for them to sustain. The patient should understand his/her situation. The family members should also be alert regarding the behaviour of the patient. They should immediately consult an experienced and skilled doctor.

On consulting the doctor or psychologists conclusions for overcoming this depression can be obtained. The doctors refer to a counselor and they attempt to understand the psychology of the brain to understand the conditions that led to this condition. When something lucid can be concluded, they suggest some medication practices that are found to be of great help. According to the renowned counselors at christian counseling the medication adopted depends upon the reason of non-responsiveness and the level of depression. If the case seems to be solved with few counseling session then the patient is advised to attend these and follow the suggestions.

In case the patient is at major stages then he is advised to avoid any medication resulting into brain depression and promote the intake of brain stimulators. He is suggested to remain in healthy and joyous surroundings where there is scope for him to forget his sorrows. Outings and excursions are also helpful in this regard.

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