In older cities, there are several organisations that were established over 100 years ago. These organisations would have had legal documents, membership forms and other documents, which would explain the origin of the organisation. Certain cities, recreational clubs were very popular they were setup a long time ago; they would have a charter or members and rules that were applicable at that time. Document management systems can be used for organisation records; these physical documents can be stored safely using a document management system.

These heritage organisations would want to archive these papers so that individuals can access it without affecting the physical integrity of the paper. Digitising these documents would help by reducing the usage of these physical documents. These physical documents would be very fragile; handling these papers must be done very carefully. Now with digitisation services, the document can be stored and shown to many individuals without affecting the physical paper. Digitizing these documents must be done carefully; these documents can be stored online to keep them safe. Using a document managing system files can be saved and retrieved easily. At times, there might be different versions of the same file, when multiple individuals are able to access and edit the file. Versions of the documents can be stored; when a final file needs to be created all the changes are saved, so that there is no loss of data.

Document management systems are a combination of several factors, digitisation; the documents are scanned through a scanner, the scanned files are checked for quality before it goes for Optical character recognition (OCR), this is used to convert the file into a text based document. The document is then uploaded to a WSM a Workflow Solutions Matrix; this helps in archiving these documents.

Physical documents are scanned using a scanner and safe saved digitally, scanned documents can be saved in a number of formats, TF and PDF formats are the most safe amongst them. TIF images are smaller in size the quality remains even after compression. PDF format on the other hand are heavier and text can be copied from them.

The documents are stored online and they are indexed, individuals can search for these files later on through an internal search mechanism. Retrieval of physical documents take a lot of time, now with WSM, documents can be searched easily through enabling filters that helps in finding documents and accessing them quicker. Documents that are digitised can be stored and certain users can be given permission either to access it or modify it. Depending on roles and permissions assigned to individuals within a group. Alerts and notifications can be set, so as and when necessary a change is made to the file, individuals who have been given access would know the modifications that have been made to a particular file.

Organisational records need to be stored very safely; these could be application forms or other legal documents. In an organisation only a set of individuals are given access to these files, this can be done easily through Workflow Solutions Matrix. Document management systems are very advantageous for organisations records; managing records both old and new take a lot of time and space. By digitising and storing records the paper consumption decreases to a great extent. The major advantage DMS offers is that files are available instantaneously.

Documents can be categorised and preserved safely. Older heritage organisations might have a list of members who were the first few members who joined the organisation; these documents can be scanned and preserved for a longer duration of time. Physical documents are prone to damage, a document management system allows the document to be stored safely preventing it from any form of damage.

Author's Bio: 

Praxeva offers services such as document management system, document digitization and customer application form management. They can scan documents and store them digitally for ease of access.