I remember when I lived in Miami Beach, Florida I would get a Dell Computer magazine in my mail box. I would look at it and wish that I had one of those nice laptops (conscious mind). Every few months I would get the magazine and be reminded of my desire for a Dell laptop(subconscious mind).

The desire to want a laptop turned into a must have when my roommate bought himself a nice Dell Laptop I believe sometime in 2003. From that point on I was determined to buy me one by a certain time. I prayed about it, meditated on it, and visualized having one, yet I would still have to go over to the Miami Beach Public Library to use their computer.

When I moved back to Texas in 2004 the thought of the laptop I would say was no longer in the forefront of my mind. The thought was in the back of my mind at this point.

Although, I can say it was still in my heart to buy one.

In 2006 when I made a career change to pursue working for myself and become a full time author and speaker, it seemed as if that desire for a laptop turned into a need for a laptop for the independent contract work I was doing.

I would think, "how in the world can I buy a laptop now" when I never thought I could afford one prior to that time.

When I tapped into myself(supraconscious mind)concerning the situation at hand, out of the blew one morning the thought to go and just out right apply to buy a laptop on credit was on my heart or heavy on my mind.

Honest to goodness, this type of thought never occurred to me before. I know that sounds crazy. Yet, it had not.

As I think about it, if this type of thought had been on my heart prior to me actually needing a laptop, I more than likely would not have acted upon it due to me not wanting to take on another bill.

I then preceded to the library and applied for a laptop over the internet and sure enough within ten minutes I was approved to buy whatever laptop I wanted.

My laptop arrived approximately five days later.

I was like "YES" another desire accomplished!!!!!!

I never had one problem paying my Dell laptop bill either.

I was reminded of this story as I have contemplated why some desires/wants/goals/intentions I have set for myself come after the appointed time I set.

Yet, other desires/wants/goals/intentions are accomplished before the appointed time I set.

The conclusion I have to come to at this point in my life is that for now I am letting go of time frames for my goals/intentions/desires unless a deadline is needed or I feel heavy in my mind or heart to set one.

I will no longer set time frames just to be setting them.

"So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

I choose to say tomorrow has enough blessings of its own!

I have recently asked myself if setting a time frame is caused by my fear of thinking that I will not get what is truly in my heart if I do not put a time table to it. I still do not have a clear answer yet.

As I stated above, half the time I get what I want/intend by the time frame I set and half the time I do not.

Yet, I always get exactly what I want/intend sooner or later.

Usually something BETTER than I originally wanted.

I am learning that every day that I wake up and I do my daily task, that is the momentum I need to push me toward what I am passionate about regardless of how long it takes.

I just need to continue to be thankful and when conscious thoughts or inspired thoughts come to mind concerning what I desire in life, act on those thoughts and then go about doing what I was doing before those thoughts came to mind or were on my heart.

No more I have to have this by this date!. Again, unless it is on my heart and mind to set a specific date.

When it seems as if nothing is happening concerning my goals, I have to stay SURRENDERED to myself, God, life, divine (Supraconscious Mind).

I have to continue to LET GO and know that everything is working itself out perfectly.

Finally, I would like to encourage you to do not ever give up on the desires/wants/intentions that you are willing to die for or the things your TRULY DESIRE.

Morevoer, do not think they will never come to pass.

Just continue to wake up and GIVE your day all you’ve got and know with 100 percent confidence that those intentions/desires,wants/goals will ABSOLUTELY manifest themselves in this physical world.

Author's Bio: 

Why is it that one person uses their mind to co-create the exact life that they desire?

While another person feels as if their life is a disaster?

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