Bloating causes you to feel and look heavy. Your body gets a puffy appearance and a tiny tummy can become a balloon! The common concern most people face is that when they eat at night, they face the issues of gas, flatulence and bloating. Many people often have weight loss goals, but bloating causes them to look fatter and fuller.

Avoid salt and sodium in the night

Medical experts say that you should opt for a low sodium dinner every night. This will help you feel less bloated. It is prudent for you to cook a healthy meal that has lots of steamed vegetables and protein. Remember when you eat your meal in the night, it should not be loaded with lots of salt. It is also recommended for you to remain active during the day, and try to exercise for at least 30 minutes. More and more people are leading sedentary lifestyles today, and this aggravates indigestion related issues. This phenomenon results in gas, flatulence and bloating. If you cannot exercise during the day, you can always work out for some time in the night.

Stop eating out at restaurants and carry food from home

In the night, it is not prudent for you to eat outside at a restaurant. The average restaurant food will contain twice the amount of calories you should consume in a single sitting. If you wish to be free from bloating and want to drop weight, ensure that you pack your lunch and dinner from home. Salads and fruits are good as snacks. Avoid fast food when you need to snack as they are packed with sodium. A home-made meal is healthy and ensures you do not get a bloated stomach.

Water- drink lots of it

In order to address bloating, it is prudent for you to drink lots of water. However, do not drink water with your food. You need to flush out the toxins from the body. You may also drink herbal teas like the popular Lumitea. The Lumitea bloating detox drink has worked wonders for many men and women. They have reported positive effects and reduction in bloating, flatulence and gas in the body. This special herbal tea is made from safe natural extracts and is rich in antioxidants. It releases toxins from the body without any side effects. However, if you are consuming water or herbal tea, ensure that you avoid having them an hour before bed or else you need to get up often in the night for urination. This will disturb your sleep patterns.

6 Quick Fixes for bloating in the night

In the night, the last thing you want is the feeling of discomfort and pain. In acute cases, most people suffer from stomach cramps and pressure. The issue can also be aggravated with constipation. It is here that you should be aware and take immediate preventive measures to arrest bloating before it takes control of your system.

If you are looking for an instant remedy for night bloating, try these 6 quick fixes:

1. Increase your potassium intake- In case you have consumed a lot of salt or sodium on a given day, it is crucial for you to consume potassium rich food in the form of citrus fruits, melons, tomatoes, asparagus etc. You will notice a reduction in your tummy bloating when you consume these fruits. It is recommended that you take a snack rich in potassium before you go to bed. You can eat a banana if you wish to.

2. Be active- As mentioned above, exercise will help you to ease bowel movement. It is advised to get off the couch and start walking, using the staircase, jogging or simply working out for an hour in the gym. The moment the human body gets exercise, constipation and the collection of gases after food intake is reduced. After you eat a meal, do not sit or lie down immediately. Move around for some time. This will activate the digestion process in the body, and you can alleviate bloating significantly.

3. Avoid having bread for dinner- In order to combat the woes of bloating and flatulence, it is recommended for you to avoid having bread for dinner. Starches and carbs found in bread and pasta will interfere with your digestion and cause bloating. If you wish to wake up feeling super light in the morning, it is recommended that you avoid these food items at night.

4. Belly massage- In case you feel bloated and heavy, a light belly message will alleviate the discomfort. The hand movements should be downward. From the head to the toe in round circular movements. Do not place too much of pressure on your tummy. This might cause you pain and discomfort. The gas and the air in the stomach will pass out through your digestive tract gradually with gentle movements.

5. Lemon water- Lemon water helps you to alleviate bloating after a meal. Sip on some lemon water before bed. Lemon acts as a natural diuretic and it flushes out the toxins from the body. Excess fluids are released from your body. The taste of lemon water is also refreshing to drink after dinner. You will immediately feel the difference after its intake.

6. Ginger tea- This tea is an instant remedy for people who suffer from gas and bloating. The herb helps deflate the tummy and you get a slim look. All you need to do is boil some slices of ginger in warm water. Allow it to cool and consume the tea before a meal. If you wish, you may add honey to make the tea taste good. In fact, any top quality natural herbal tea like Lumitea will help you with your bloating concerns. Click here for

You do have the ability to address bloating at night by following the above 6 quick fixes. Bloating, gas, indigestion and flatulence can take a toll on your appearance. With the aid of natural remedies, you not only look skinny, but you also feel light and healthy!

Author's Bio: 

Barrack Diego is a freelance content writer. He has written many articles on Technology, fashion, health, travel, education, business, etc. To know more about him, please visit his blog.