Just like your parents use to say, money does not grow on trees. And these days, everyone is looking for was to save money.
The reality of Divorce is that it is expensive. You may not think it is possible to save money on legal fees, but by thinking practically and being prepared, you will be surprised. Here is a list of 5 ways to save.
Way #1 – If you and your spouse have mutually agreed that the marriage is over, try to have an uncontested divorce. In an uncontested divorce, both you and your spouse are able to negotiate the terms of the divorce without having to hire an attorney to represent either of you. If you think uncontested divorce is a possibility, contact a local divorce attorney and tell him that you need uncontested divorce paperwork.
Way #2 – Be helpful to your attorney. Retrieve documents, contact witnesses, and do anything else that helps him move your case forward. Not only will this save you time, but it will save you money as well. Your attorney will charge on an hourly basis, so if you can lessen the time he spends on your divorce, you lessen the amount of money you have to spend.
Way #3 - If your case imposes too much danger on you and your children and you really cannot afford a lawyer, contact the Legal Aid Office in your region. They might have an attorney on staff who will be able to represent you for free.
Way #4 – Ask your close friends and family members to refer you to a great divorce attorney who is affordable.
Way #5 – Do your homework. You can search for local divorce attorneys on line. You can also call divorce attorneys and ask for a free phone consultation. In this day and age, it is easy to shop around for an attorney and compare rates. In addition to hourly rate, you should also consider credentials, experience, and reputation.
These are only five of the many ways to save on your legal fees. Before you begin the divorce process, remember to these five tips for saving money on legal fees and remember that as you move forward, you should be prepared and you should stay prepared.

Author's Bio: 

Tulsa Divorce Lawyer Matt Ingham is the founder and owner of Bulldog Divorce. If you have questions or comments for Matt, you can contact him by clicking here… or by calling (918) 591-2566.