There are several factors that one should know about the common causes of snoring. Although this is not considered as a serious health issue, snoring is something that can affect a person’s quality of sleep. It doesn’t stop here because this can also affect relationship of partners. For this reason, people with snoring habits are doing what it takes to solve this problem. Before looking for treatment and methods, one must first understand the common causes of snoring.

What is Snoring?

Snoring is an occurrence that affects the mouth, nose and throat or often referred to as the upper air tract area. Sounds are emitted when there is blockage on these parts leading to vibration of tissues in the said the area. The common causes of snoring vary from one person to another. It could be a serious health condition like nasal congestion or even physical deformities. The good news is that it can be controlled but you need to identify first the common causes of snoring.

Weight Problem. Obesity is considered as one of the common causes of snoring. People who are overweight are most likely to snore since they normally have extra fat on their throat area and muscle tones are lesser causing the airway to vibrate. Men are more likely to experience this compared to women. This is due to the fact that female body has stronger muscle tones in their airways. Normally men also tend to accumulate fat in the neck area. Although this is the case, it will change once a woman reaches her menopausal stage. The muscles in their upper tract will weaken therefore they will have tendency to snore. Gaining few pounds can also lead to snoring because if you have more fat tissues in the neck, it squeezes the airway passage. If you want to stop snoring the natural way, regular exercise and proper diet are the keys to do so.

Alcohol. We all know for a fact the alcohol has a negative effect in the body because it relaxes the muscles and it slows down the brain. Beverages with alcoholic content also cause irritation in the airway that would lead to breathing restriction. It is advisable not to drink a few hours before bedtime so the effects of the alcohol can decrease.

Sleeping position. According to studies, people who sleep on their back are most likely to snore than those who are sleeping on their side. It can be said that sleeping position is one of common causes of snoring. The force of gravity can increase the chances of the tongue falling back in the throat and as a result it narrows down the airway leading to abnormality in breathing.

Allergies. Millions of people are suffering from various allergies. Symptoms would include nasal congestion, sneezing and itching. If there is congestion in nasal airway, this would most likely lead to snoring. People with this condition are advised to avoid dust particles, dust mites, pet hairs and allergy triggers. There are herbal sprays that can help reduce the common causes of snoring.

Cigarettes. Are you a smoker? If yes, chances are you are most likely to snore while sleeping. Just like alcohol, cigarettes are also said to be one of the common causes of snoring. The smoke can irritate the nasal cavity and throat area. If this is congested, a person can find it hard to breathe in the nose therefore decreasing the airflow. The more cigarettes you smoke, the higher the chance of congestion. For those who can’t avoid smoking, it is best to stop lighting a cigar few hours before going to bed. This can lessen the effects of smoke and can help a lot in alleviating your chances of snoring.

Author's Bio: 

The author has an immense knowledge on stop snoring. Know more about stop snoring related info in his website.