When a good relationship ends, it is very painful and more so if it is a marriage relationship. When this happens, we experience a void in our life and get a feeling of insecurity. For some it could also be a very traumatic experience.

When you feel the problems in the relationship are leading to a split, do all possible to avert it before taking a final call to end it. Explore every possible avenue and spare no effort to sort out your differences, especially when the person is very important in your life. If you are already separated but want your ex back, then the first thing you do is to button down the cause of the split, the shortcomings and all your errors of judgment.

What can you do to get your ex back? Is it possible to make your ex miss you like crazy?

To learn the killer, advanced strategies to get your ex back, simply click here!

Some of the common mistakes that would normally cause a split are:

Being too critical of your partner: Constant cribbing could cause your partner to feel unwanted and insecure and so would want to end the relationship as such behavior is intolerable. The partner who is constantly being cribbed at would tend to lose their self worth and therefore would recourse to a split.

You are a control freak: You always want everything your way and ruthlessly impose your authority on your partner. This would be a definite cause for a split because relationship is about give and take and can never be a one-way street.

You take your partner for granted: When in a relationship you take your partner for granted and become too comfortable, you are asking for trouble. Predictability can be boring and it is true in every relationship. Don't let the fun go out of your relationship, if you want to sustain your relationship and let it grow.

Now that you have identified your problem areas and specifically where you have gone wrong, what do you do next to get back in favor?

Some helpful tips to win back your ex:

Your ex lover will recognize your game plan if you try to make him / her jealous by mentioning other men or women and this will backfire on your efforts to win your ex back.

If you find that your ex is into a new relationship, it is best to act normal and not being jealous. You obviously have an advantage; you already know your ex but he or she is just starting to know.

You may have subjugated you personal interests or hobbies that you enjoyed in your single status while in this relationship. So, go ahead and rediscover them. Revive old friendships.

It is bad strategy to talk ill about your ex. You might feel provoked to do so but avoid as it will only show you in bad light. But if you must purge yourself of your anger, maybe you can try a punching bag. Alternately go to a counselor or confide in a close friend. Remember that bad mouthing your ex will only distance them from you, if you're trying for reconciliation.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here

When you were dating, it was easy to impress your then boyfriend or girlfriend like the time you put your two fingers sideways in front of your nose and did your 'Geraldo' gimmick. Now that you're split, they have no obligation to laugh at your horrible jokes so try these acts instead.

Step 1:Unexpected Actions: A great way to impress your ex is by doing something unexpected on the good side. It could be something that requires skill like performing magic for children or something nonchalant like holding the door open for a gaggle of old ladies.

Step 2:By Not Being An Ex: You can impress your ex by talking to them as a friend or human being instead of simply as somebody you used to date. Next time you're in public together, just pretend they're another person in the world and treat them with courtesy and respect.

Step 3:Peel Off The Labels: Your ex already has you labeled to their friends, whether it's fair or not. You can impress people by not living up to your stereotype and at the same time your ex's friends will just think that they're being jealous.

What if your lover has moved on? Here's how to get them back.

Step 4:Getting Your Act Together: Maybe their labeling was correct and you were the drunk or the snob. You can't change the past but you can cause your ex to be proud of you by shaping up and getting your bearings together.

Step 5:By Winning Them Over: Your ex most likely has a negative connotation of you but that doesn't have to be etched in stone. Take steps and time to slowly win them over and back on your side. Once the process is started, it will be easier than you think because they secretly want to believe in you.

Step 6:All Positive, All The Time: No matter what happens in your life, keep a positive frame of mind and it will infect everybody, including your ex. If you get laid off, injured, dumped by another person or experience any other conflicts, look them in the eye and trudge on.

Step 7:By Saying No: It might be tough to do but your ex will be impressed if you resist their advances. This also turns the tide and makes them think they've got work to do to get you back. A poor Geraldo impression is a great way to keep them at a safe and manageable distance.

Now you can stop your break up or lover’s rejection...even if your situation seems hopeless! Visit How to Get Your Ex Back

In The Simpsons, a sociopath cat and mouse duo named Itchy & Scratchy make it their life's goal to torment the other. You can imagine the awkwardness when years later their paths cross at the cottage cheese section in the supermarket and you might have a similar feeling when seeing your ex-boyfriend so heed our advice so that you don't fight, fight, fight.

Step 1: Be Nice: When your ex man first catches you in his gaze, he'll probably grind his teeth and have his fists clenched awaiting a confrontation so take the high road and catch him off guard by saying hello and by just being nice to him.

Step 2: Like He's Your Ex: When you and your ex are at the same function, always remember that he's your ex. He can talk to other girls if he wants and doesn't need to answer to you for anything. Likewise, you should do some mingling yourself and remember to keep him out of your tractor beams.

Step 3: Like A Sale: Sure your ex-boyfriend is at the club or a party but so are dozens of other potential mates. Pretend you're at a sweater sale where you wouldn't buy the first turtleneck that you find in your size, you'd look through the whole pile first.

Step 4: Not Indignant: Your boyfriend has told his friends that you're snobby and spiteful and whether that's true or not, don't make it appear so. Talk friendly with your ex for only a few minutes and then tell him you hope he has a fun night.

What if your lover already left you? Here's how to get them back.

Step 5: In Control: Remember that whoever broke up with whom, you're still in control. If your ex stares you down and gives you the 'come here' finger, respond back with the 'just a minute' finger and carry on with your conversation with other parties.

Step 6: Like It Or Leave: Your ex-boyfriend might cause a scene because you're at a certain party or hotspot that he deems 'his.' Calmly tell him that you're just here with friends and it has nothing to do with him and if he persists, take the high road and leave. He was expecting a confrontation but what he got instead was a confirmation.

Step 7: Hands Off: College professors always brag about their 'hands on' approach to teaching a class but when we're teaching about how to act around an ex we recommend a 'hands off' approach. Don't get too touchy-feely with your ex or he'll interpret the signals and they'll most always be transcribed wrong...he's a guy after all.

There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying... Visit What to Say to Get Your Ex Back to find out more.

The problem with conducting most of our relationship business via text message is that it's hard to interpret inflection and meaning. If you've lost your boyfriend because he mistook 'wanting to lay him down in a bed of roses' as 'you're being a real thorn in my side' then follow these options to restore the bloom.

Step 1: You Rock: A small compliment goes a long way...or so I've only heard. If you've never let your boyfriend know that you like him, perhaps now's the time to do so. It's easy to say 'I figured you knew' but it's really easier just to tell them anyway.

Step 2: I Never Knew: If you want to get your boyfriend back, you might need to pump his ego up a little bit. Saying something like "I never knew how good I had it when I was with you" shows appreciation and gives him a reason to puff his chest at the same time.

Step 3: I Like Being Around You: A simple phrase like "I just like being in your company" goes a long way with a guy. He'll transcribe this into you love his funny jokes and compelling stories about war documentaries and always feel safe because potential crooks instantly back away from his muscular biceps.

What if your lover already left you? Here's how to get them back.

Step 4: Make Me A Lucky Girl: Continuing on with boosting his ego, tell him that all the girls like him and you don't want him to stray too far from you. You'll need to be careful with this though because he might actually believe it and go on an unfulfilling love quest in search of all these 'random girls' that he thinks are into him.

Step 5: Would You Ever: Asking your ex if he'd ever consider getting back together with you lets him know that you're still interested but it leaves it open enough so that it doesn't appear like you're hounding him.

Step 6: Want To Hang Out: Ask your ex-boyfriend if he just wants to hang out as friends some time and if he says yes, make it a huge point to impress him that night. You might need to be exceptionally funny or spurt off a random sports fact but if you pull it off he'll notice.

Step 7: I Messed Up: No matter what or who caused the breakup, tell him that you messed up and sincerely apologize about it. This makes him feel a little better and you'll still know in your head even if it was him all along that caused the separation.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here

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Now you can stop your break up or lover’s rejection...even if your situation seems hopeless! Visit How to Get Your Ex Back

There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying... Visit What to Say to Get Your Ex Back to find out more.

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