Cash advance loan and payday loans are the most preferred short period loans due to their several benefits. Both are similar in processing terms, but many of them often get confused and aren’t able to differentiate between the two.
Before you opt from the two of such great loan offers, know in detail about each of them for you to reap maximum benefit while applying for loan.
- Here are few lines about credit card cash advance loan:
As the name suggests, this loan can be further divided in two kinds.
- Credit card cash advance loan - Sometimes you need to pay ready cash and you may also not be able to swipe your credit card. In such situation, you can use your credit card PIN number to take the cash out from the ATM machine. The card providing bank forum will advance the money on the basis of credit card.
- Cash advance loan.
- It is small amount loan sanctioned just like payday loan. You acquire the loan amount in a couple of hours. Thus, it is termed as quick loan.
Payday loan details:
As the term of the loan indicates, it is loan advanced to be paid back in next payroll. The borrower of the loan gets it in quickly way, thus of great use when you realise shortage of money before your next payroll.
Both loans are easy and quick to get sanctioned and the money is received in few minutes or in couple of hours. Thus, money crisis is solved swiftly however both are tagged along with high interest rate. Borrower of the loan doesn’t need to produce credit history detail and thus even if they have bad credit points, you can avail these kinds of quick loans.
What is the difference?
More or less the interest rates or same and the mode of applying for the loan are similar. Credit card advance loan needs credit card to be valid and you need to find an ATM where the card can be used. The
long term cash advance can be easily availed, if you are ready to pay high interest rate.
Modes of repayments differ:
- Credit card advance loan - It is paid through credit card or gets redeemed directly from bank account on the basis of the card issued. The payback is just like you pay back while receiving the credit statement of the month.
- Payday loan: Borrower need to pay back while getting the next payment. Usually it is termed to be for one month however it can be paid back in two weeks time as well.
- Cash advance loan: It can be paid as per the condition opted by the borrower. It can be paid back fully in few weeks or can be divided to be paid back in monthly instalment.
The interest rate differs in accordance to the time taken to payback the whole amount. Hence, the interest rate ratio increases the loan and becomes costlier if paid back after few months. Hence, it is best to pay back the borrowed money soon. You have lot of ways to enjoy quick loan, thus choose wisely before you apply for the loan.
Kim Smith enjoys exploring the entertainment world with her thoughts and opinions on selfgrowth
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